A poem that emphasizes on the sacrifices made by African ancestors
Photo credit: Lucxama from pexels
Heard of the stygian tale from the shattered voices?
Of men who hoisted a giant tattered flag with burnt arms
Through the hoarse heaving drumbeat of war
As their succour flesh swiftly embraced the hungry faces of an infernal bullets
And their betrayed tongues cowardly licked the scarlet water
Of the fallen brothers who slept in the cozy breast of earth
To rise a phoenix from its slumbering ashes.
Heard of the icy chains they melt with fiery tears?
The bestial nights they appeased to summon a warm noble sun
Days they rented their clothes and choked by their wines
The inborn laughter they incarnated but was hanged by bewilderment
For the blinded infants who milked from scarred breast
To rise with the gleaming eyes of the gods
And speak with shrill voice that shakens the bossom of the earth
The berk infants toddled, rose and lobbed their father's words,
Cremated their legacy and abandoned its ashes in the Hades,
Stung their haggard selves with the asp's poison
And silenced those bequeated with their fathers' voices.
Sat on the land's throne and hogged their brethren sweat's reap
Watched keenly as men are levelled with herds
While poverty perched on their eagle's wings.
Heard of the stygian tale from the shattered voices?
Of men who hoisted a giant tattered flag with burnt arms
NOW, they watch in their defeated undecayed bones,
Weeping and wailing like the martyrs whose death were forsaken
Written by: Adedeji Raphael