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25 Famous Copywriting Quotes Examples Of All Time in 2023

Interesting copywriting quotes that gives more insight into the copywriters world. Learn more quotes about copywriting and copywriter quotes and copy

15 Famous Copywriting Quotes Of All Time in 2023

best famous copywriting quotes

Famous Copywriting Quotes — Quotes are considered a means of passing across a message with few words, mostly to inspire and motivate some set of people. They are words which are meant to inspire and motivate us or give us more insight about a specific or general topic.

They are often times cited during presentations to emphasize on a point. However, the worth placed on quotes depends largely on the authors. Most quotes are attributed to famous writers whose impacts in our society are being felt and still being acknowledged.

In such respect, on this blog post best  Copywriting Quotes,  we have gathered 15 famous and best copywriting quotes that will inspire you, serve as a copywriting guide, give you more insight as to what copywriting is and how to become a professional copywriter.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action. Copywriting is always connected to the act of promoting or selling a business, organization, brand, product, or service, which makes it, by definition, a form of marketing. 

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What is a copywriter? A copywriter is a person who is paid to write copy words to promote action for promotional purposes. In short, a copywriter is a person who does copywriting.

Here are the top 25 Famous copywriter quotes of all time.

These quotes about copywriting will serve as good copywriting guide, what to improve on based on the ideas and experiences of copywriting geniuses and infact, how to live on to your expectations as a copywriter.

Copywriting quotes Robert fleege

1.  “An ad is finished only when you no longer can find a single element to remove.”
– Robert Fleege

Getting the edges right in copywriting is achieved after series of editing. Basically, among content writers, editing has been described as the sole breath of writing, the introduction of new catchy words that capture the mind of the readers and instigate or prompt them to take an action

Copywriter Quotes George Gribbin

2. “A copywriter should have ‘an understanding of people, an insight into them, a sympathy toward them.”
– George Gribbin

quotes about copywriting Rosser Reeves

3. "You must make the product interesting, not just make the ad different. And that’s what too many of the copywriters in the U.S. today don’t yet understand." 
– Rosser Reeves

quotes about copywriting Victor Schiwalb

4. "Poor copy cannot overcome faults or gaps in dealer distribution; it cannot even cash in on the finest dealer setups. But good copy can, and does, surmount many dealer difficulties, making them secondary, and selling in spite of them." 
– Victor Schwab

A good copy always brings good sales, while bad copy does more less.

copywriting quote David Ogilvy

5. "The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything."
 – David Ogilvy

This elucidate on the art of copywriting as a skill of persuasion.

quotes about copywriting Robert Collier

6. "Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader." 
— Robert Collier 

quotes about copywriting Leo burnett

7. “Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”
– Leo Burnett

The headline and the content should be interesting enough to prompt the readers to take actions. They shouldn't be boring!

quotes about copywriting Claude Hopkins

8. “The writer of this chapter spends far more time on headlines than on writing. He often spends hours on a single headline. Often scores of headlines are discarded before the right one is selected.”
– Claude Hopkins

This adds to what we've said earlier, HEADLINES!

Copywriter Quotes Matt furey

9. “After someone reads your subject line and opens your email, you must not take anything for granted. Your first sentence has to be powerful.”
– Matt Furey

This is a good copywriting guide!

Copywriter Quotes John caples

20. “Every copywriter knows what it is to struggle with a copy for hours, for days – fixing it, polishing it, rearranging it. We have all been quilty of leaving the headline until the last and the spending half and hour on it – or perhaps only ten minutes.”
– John Caples

John Caples's serves to inspire young and upcoming copywriters. It takes a lot of practise, mistake and consistency to finally become one.

Hence, the road to becoming a better and professional copywriter is to keep writing and editing.

Copywriter Quotes Matt furey

11. “Why on earth do I need to see the contents of an email at the top of the email? Instead, why not suck me into your universe with powerful, riveting copy.”
– Matt Furey

Matt also emphasizes on headlines as does John Caples below. This will give you a basic clue and guide on what to do as a copywriter.

Copywriter Quotes p. T. Barnum

 12. “Advertising is like learning – a little is a dangerous thing. If a man has not the pluck to keep on advertising, all the money he has already spent is lost.”
– P.T. Barnum

Do you agree? Yay or Nah?.
Yay! Advertising is the heartbeat of a business, the best way to promote the business and get the products to the right prospective clients.

Copywriter Quotes John caples

13. “The best headlines are those that appeal to the reader’s self-interest, that is, headlines based on reader benefits. They offer readers something they want – and get from you.”
– John Caples

Headlines in copywriting are top-notch. They are the first thing that readers read and might get them further interested in the main content itself.
Hence, the importance of a catchy headline when writing a copy!

Copywriter Quotes Leo burnett

14. “The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.”
– Leo Burnett

Copywriter Quotes Sonia Simone

15. "Make your advertising too valuable to throw away." 
– Sonia Simone

16. “To properly understand advertising or to learn even its rudiments one must start with the right conception. Advertising is salesmanship.” – Claude Hopkins

17. “Anything you write is, at its core, selling something. Maybe that something is a product or service. Maybe it’s you.” – Kira Hug

18. “When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.” – David Ogilvy

19. “Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader.” – Robert Collier

20. “Probably the biggest thing or biggest ‘aha’ moment I had with the process of copywriting was when I realized that copywriting was more than just being creative. …I didn’t start becoming successful, in my own eyes, until I said, ‘No, my clients are not hiring me to be creative; they’re hiring me to deliver a control.’” – Carline Anglade-Cole

21. “Avoid the “hard-to-grasp” headline – the headline that requires thought and is not clear at first glance.”-John Caples

22. “I understand social proof is one of the most powerful levers to convince somebody to enter your funnel or start talking to you online.”-Aaron Orendorff

23. “Use pictures only to attract those who may profit you. Use them only when they form a better selling argument than the same amount of space set in type.” -Claude Hopkins

24. “Nobody has a magic lamp which can tell you in advance whether what you say will be effective in persuading an audience.”-Maurice Saatchi

25. “The only real test for authentic marketing is: do you share the dark stuff? People connect with your failure far more than they connect with your successes.”-Aaron Orendorff

Framework of a Good Copy

In advertisement, the readers are given a hint on what to expect of the product or the services. Hence, your copy shouldn't be too clumsy or make the readers confused. As Sonia says, MAKE it VALUABLE!

Copywriting is now one of the major writing skills that most people use as a source of income. Infact, writers in copywriting are massively sourced for, and the best part about it is that you don't have to be a writer, author of novel or poems before you become one. Infact, anyone can become a copywriter.
Don't give up on being one. Write A Copy Today!

Here are some copywriting examples!

These are examples of copywriting for services and product that have made massive sales. We had to do some little trick to actually get these copywriter examples, but that's okay! Lols.

Albert Lasker's "Drink an Orange" Ad Campaign with Sunkist
There was a time when Sunkist, which was now a mega brand, was at the point of sales drop down when they were finding it hard to sell more oranges more than what they grew. So, they had to hire a copywriting/advertising genius by the name, Albert Masker who eventually introduced America to the idea of orange juice. Eventually, after the advertisement, the oranges were massively sold and bought by the Americans.

But what exactly did he do?

He patented an orange juice extractor, sold it for .10 cents a piece. And the most amazing part was that the campaign was "Drink An Orange" and it became a huge concept then.

Another copywriting examples is " Miss Clairol's Hair-coloring"

One of the major reason, or should I say the main reason why most people make a change to their bodies is for them to be noticed. This is what the brand captured and used to make a great copy.

" Does she...or doesn't she?—Hair color so natural only her hairdresser knows for sure!"

These copywriting examples should also be a guide!



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Pawners Paper: 25 Famous Copywriting Quotes Examples Of All Time in 2023
25 Famous Copywriting Quotes Examples Of All Time in 2023
Interesting copywriting quotes that gives more insight into the copywriters world. Learn more quotes about copywriting and copywriter quotes and copy
Pawners Paper
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