Before we amble into the aisle, And the bells tolling in raging order, Fifteen-eight-twenty-twenty-one; There was a whisper within me, It says, take
Before we amble into the aisle,
And the bells tolling in raging order,
There was a whisper within me,
It says, take up your quipu device,
With every string-like line;
And each cord in distinct colours,
Marked with knots of memories,
Read the meaning to their ears,
What episodes life amasses you.
At the threshold of life's scenes,
We have become men in boys shadow,
Kissing every hurricane of memories;
Of course, those who swallowed up;
Our goals in a broad spectrum of time,
And left us as a wounded lion in the jungle,
Nonetheless, we have prevailed over it,
Our bells tolling to the adulthood of esprit.
Our bruises are buried in a nutshell of times,
As time heals all the wounded lions of the jungle;
Yes, we have withstood the raging waters of life,
And over the high hills of life's hope cheers;
There the echoes of accolades are heard of,
As we ascended to the life's hills in numbers;
The voice whispered again, this time,
Count your blessings and name them,
One by one.
Farewell To Our Sorrow
Our grief for yesteryear's ills
Today it has on-board the ship
Sailing across the country's seas
Formed by tears of our forefathers
As none wishes to hold the ship back
Sorrows and slavery fare thee well
We are children of the black race
The book of history hold us dear
We belong with the brightness of life
Of our land and the waters it holds
At the cradle of this invented man
We are existing and have existed
At this waterway of our existence
Created by the tears of Africans
As the quest for the life of others
Men across our tears in rejoice
Let the same tears be shipped
Tonight as we gathered here
To bid farewell to our sorrows
With the cranky noise of guns
And booming sounds of bombs
We have become more wars
More we have not become peace
A nation under one name
A nation under one God
A nation under one heaven
A nation under one earth
With the cranky noise of guns
And booming sounds of bombs
We have become more battles
More we have not become stability
On this shadowless land
of our
And of our recollections
of past moments
I have spread our bed
on this sanctuary
Of the memories
moisturising our hearts
And of our journey
as I lay face upwards
It is of your
I cogitate with
Day & night
with every word you have spoken
Behind them all,
I hide our love in purity
With jealousy
against the droughts
As our love irrigate
the desert land
And our uninhabitable becomes habitable
Such lovely words,
you spoke to my ears
that unfolds my heart
like petals of a rose
I am regained in you
& we are complete
unbroken chords
Take me tonight
to that lost kingdom
let's make our beds
in every rose petals
leaving none broken
upon this rose beds
Underneath this tree
come again and speak
please those words
the ones you spoke
at the beginning of this
voyage of love in Tokyo
John Chinaka Onyeche (Rememberajc) is an upcoming poet from Nigeria. He writes from the city of Port Harcourt Rivers State. He is an undergraduate student at Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria, where he is undergoing studies for his degree in History and Diplomatic Studies.
His writings are more on a historical perspective of the ordeal of Africans in the hands of their slave masters, life from the other way around it, and his works have appeared in many journals/magazines online within and outside Nigeria.
You can find his works on the following websites;
Spillwords, Melbourne culture corner, Nnoko Stories, TunaFishjournal, Moreporkpress, Nymphspublications, Youthmagazine, Acumen, Zindaily, pawnerspaper Conceitmagazine, Mosi oa Tunya Literary Review, Rigorous, and are forthcoming in Kalahari Review, Ethelzine.
He can be contacted with the following links:
Mobile number: 08038920425