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Submit To Fountain Essay Contest 2022 | Pawners Paper

Fountain Essay Contest 2022 is announced open for submission. The essay contest is open to all writers without any geographical limitations


Fountain Essay Contest 2022 is announced open for submission. The essay contest is open to all writers without any geographical limitations or restrictions. Hence, if you are interested in submit your article to Fountain Essay Contest 2022, ensure you follow the guidelines.

About Fountain Essay Contest 2022

After a long dormancy in this Covid era, our lives seem to be taking off for a fresh start. 

Vaccination is speeding up, people are mostly cautious in their interactions with less handshakes and kisses, and despite ups and downs in new cases and deaths, signs for “revival” are getting more visible every passing day.

What does revival mean to you? How do you revive?

Is getting back to “normal” a revival when there is a new normal every day? What is your new normal?

Having faced the reality of death grievously during the pandemic, what would “revival” mean to those who lost their lives and to their loved ones left behind?

How has your perception of life changed as we have realized our fragility and could not prevent the loss of millions?

Do you believe in revival after death, and how did you rely on these beliefs during the pandemic?

Writing is an important to heal ourselves. We are expecting your essays on “revival” to hear your story which can be a source of healing for you and others.

Submissions to be posted: December 1, 2021 – April 1, 2022

Deadline for submissions: April 1, 2022

Contest open to all writers worldwide

Ideal word count to be between 1,500 and 2,500

For submissions check out www.fountainmagazine.com


1st Place - $1,000

2nd Place - $500

3rd Place - $300

Two Honorable Mentions - $150 each

Fountain Essay Contest 2022 :FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS


What qualifies a good essay?

An essay that you feel your heart rests more comfortably on. The more concise an essay, the more acceptable it is. Its authenticity and uniqueness, and how elaborately you put your theme into words so that others are inspired from it.

Do we have to include references, bibliography, notes, etc. as in an academic journal?

The Fountain is not a journal. Thus, we do not expect a full scale reference list for all the information you provide. But, we encourage contributors to provide at least a reasonable number of references (not more than four or five) especially for the arguments borrowed from other sources, as it would make your work more reliable. If the kind of information you provide needs citation, please provide it; but essays with lengthy references are not preferred. 

Some reference and recommendations for further reading may help readers who are interested in the essay. Accuracy of data is expected in essays in which information provided needs sourcing. An essay based on personal experience does not require citation, and it is equally acceptable.

Does the word count limit include the bibliography or just the essay itself?

The Fountain is not a full-scale academic journal, so we expect authors to keep references to a maximum of four or five. Notes can be more. References and notes do not make a big change in word count which is advised to be between 1,500 and 2,500. A range is always necessary to be able to have an objective measure in terms of size.

What kind of writing style do you expect? Can we use informal phrases? Is this essay supposed to be a personal opinion piece, or more of a scholarly supported article?

In writing style, we mainly seek consistency. We prefer the Chicago Manual of Style, but if you are more familiar with another style, that is also acceptable. Some informal usage can be OK in a certain essay, but not in another. It is basically the author’s call.

Would an essay in the short story genre qualify for the contest?

As long as your theme is skillfully woven through its structure, and if it upholds The Fountain’s values and principles, yes.

Are you going to publish submitted essays anywhere?

We might publish submissions in The Fountain, both the print and web editions, even if the essays did not win any prize. By submitting your essay to this contest, you agree that you give permission to The Fountain to publish it in any medium.

As the copyright holders before published, the authors have the right to submit their work elsewhere on condition that they notify The Fountain in advance.

Can I submit more than one essay?

No. One entry per person.

What makes an essay disqualified?

Offensive and devotional essays — particularly essays that emphasize superiority of a specific worldview or derogating a specific worldview—will be disqualified. Essays that "propagate" a certain spiritual order, a religious denomination, a spiritual leader, or a political activist, etc. in a way that subordinates all other faiths and traditions are considered devotional and will be disqualified.

Title is missing – Do not forget to put a title. 

Titles are important for readers and reviewers to see what lies in the center of your message. 

Missing title will disqualify your submission.

Submissions already published elsewhere are not accepted.


Who will determine the winners? Can you explain more specifically what you are looking for in a winner?

The winners will be determined by our board who will decide according to the literary effectiveness of the essay in reflecting the philosophy behind the motto, richness in content, and authenticity.

All submitted essays will be evaluated using the following criteria.

Relevance to the contest theme (40 points)

Innovation & creativity (30 points)

Writing style and structure (30 points)

How am I going to submit my essay?

To submit your essay, use this link: 

When is the last day for submissions?

April 1, 2022

Who is eligible to participate in this contest?

There is no age limit or a condition to fulfill for entry. The contest is open to all who want to share his or her ideas with us.



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Pawners Paper: Submit To Fountain Essay Contest 2022 | Pawners Paper
Submit To Fountain Essay Contest 2022 | Pawners Paper
Fountain Essay Contest 2022 is announced open for submission. The essay contest is open to all writers without any geographical limitations
Pawners Paper
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