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Essay Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize 2022 This year's Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize is now open! Entries are welcomed...


  • Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize 2022

This year's Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize is now open! Entries are welcomed until 23.59 GMT on Monday 25 April 2022. 

If you are passionate about pathology or are an aspiring pathologist studying any related undergraduate course, the Paola Domizio Undergraduate Essay Prize is your opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and explore a fascinating subject through writing. 

From 2019 for a period of five years the competition will be posthumously named after Professor Paola Domizio, an RCPath Fellow who contributed a huge amount to the work of the College, and to pathology education

  • Law Reform Essay Competition 2022
The Bar Council's Law Reform Essay Competition is aimed at developing and fostering an interest in law reform. The competition invites entrants to submit a 3,000 word essay making the case for a reform to English, Welsh or European law.

This annual competition is sponsored by the Bar Council Scholarships Trust and coordinated by the Bar Council. It offers prizes in the following categories:

£4,000 for the winner
£2,500 for the runner up
£1,500 for the best CPE/GDL entry
£1,000 for the runner up CPE/GDL entry
2 x £500 highly commended award
We hope that the prize money will be used to contribute to the legal education or legal career of the prize winners.

  • Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest. 
Welcome to the 30th annual Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest. Submit published or unpublished work. $8,000 in prizes.

Please submit during
October 15, 2021-April 30, 2022


STORY: First Prize, $3,000
ESSAY: First Prize, $3,000
The top two winners will also receive two-year gift certificates from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value)
10 Honorable Mentions will receive $200 each (any category)
Top 12 entries published online

  •  Rybczynski economics essay competition 2022

Entries are invited for this year’s Rybczynski economics essay competition - kindly sponsored by KPMG.

This prestigious award is given to the best piece of writing on an issue of importance to economists, and offers the opportunity to help your own work gain a higher profile among professional colleagues.

The prize of £5,000 is kindly offered by KPMG, who are sponsoring the competition, and is awarded at the Society’s Annual Dinner and the author(s) of the final shortlisted entries will be invited to the dinner as guests of the SPE.

Essays must be submitted by 1 May 2022 and should not have been published before 1 January 2021 ie. this prize is for work written and/or published between the start of the calendar year 2021 and the closing date.

The judges will be looking for around 3000 (with an absolute maximum of 4000) well-written words

  • Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize 2022

This year's Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize is now open! Entries are welcomed until 23.59 GMT on Monday 23 May 2022. 

Foundation Doctors with an aspiration to specialise in pathology are encouraged to take part in the Hugh Platt Foundation Essay Prize. 

This competition offers the chance to explore how pathology makes a difference to patients, as well as a unique opportunity to boost your CV ahead of applying for your specialty training. 

From 2019 for a period of five years the competition will be posthumously named after Dr Hugh Platt, an RCPath Fellow who contributed a huge amount to the work of the College, and to the support of postgraduate medical training in pathology disciplines

  • Stanley Peart Essay Prize

 – £1000

This prestigious prize, generously funded by The Foundation for Circulatory Health will be awarded for the best essay submitted by a young investigator attending the BIHS Annual Scientific Meeting in York.

The essay topic is

“You have been awarded £1million to support a research project in hypertension. Describe how you would spend the money and provide a justification for your investment”.

The essay competition is now open and will close on Monday 30th May, 2022. The winner will be announced at the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 13th September,  2022.

  • Undergraduate Essay Competition 2022: Psa Parliaments
We are pleased to announce the launch of our 2022 Undergraduate Essay Competition! The winner will be presented with a prize of £100 and a runner-up prize of £50 at our annual conference in November 2022.

The competition is open to all undergraduate students who have submitted a piece of assessed work which contributes to our understanding of parliaments or legislatures.

The assessed work must be under 4,000 words (excluding bibliography and references). It does not have to be an essay in the traditional sense, nor an essay specifically from a specialist parliamentary studies module. It could, for instance, be a research project or any other form of written assessment. Entries will be judged on their originality, rigour, strength of analysis and contribution to our understanding of parliament(s).

In order to enter, lecturers must submit an essay on their students’ behalf by the closing date of 5pm on Monday 6 June 2022.

Since 1883, we have delivered The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, the world's oldest international schools' writing competition. Today, we work to expand its reach, providing life-changing opportunities for young people around the world.

An opportunity for young Commonwealth citizens to share their thoughts, ideas and experiences on key global issues and have their hard work and achievement celebrated internationally.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition is now open. 

  • Libra Essay Prize 2022

An annual essay prize for all students in years 12 & 13 looking to prepare for university.  

An excellent way for 6th form students to demonstrate that they have the makings of a scholar, the Libra Essay Prize offers a chance to prepare for the academic rigour required by university assignments and provides a great accomplishment to discuss on a personal statement or at interview. With inspiration from the admissions process at All Souls College, Oxford – known as ‘The hardest exam in the world’ – students are required to write an essay responding to one of the single-word essay titles below.  

Students are free to choose any subject or combination of subjects for their essays. We recommend students use their imagination to build interesting links between their chosen essay title and their school learning. Submitted essays will be vetted for plagiarism and judged by a range of academic specialists

1st place – £75

2nd place – £50

3rd place  – £25

The Libra Essay Prize 2022 will commence on the 20th January with a new set of single-word essay titles to give students in years 12 and 13 an opportunity to hone their essay-writing ability and showcase their knowledge, research and writing. 

The deadline for submission is the 24th June 2022 and winners will be announced the 8th July 2022.


We are delighted to announce this year’s competition for A- Level and IB students, with a 1st prize of £500 and £250 each for three runners up. 

There is also a prize of £500 for the school with the highest number of entrants. 

The top 20 entries will all be invited to a special one-day event at the IEA in the Autumn term.
The final deadline for this year’s competition is Friday 29th July at 23:59:59 2022.

  • The Julia Wood 2022 essay competition is now open!

Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh’s College historian, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. 

The Prize, worth up to £500, is offered by the Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College for the best historical essay submitted by the closing.

Essays should be submitted by 5pm on Friday 29th July 2022

  • The PG Wodehouse Society (UK) Essay Prize 2022

The PG Wodehouse Society (UK) Essay Prize 2022
Happiness, as solid thinkers have often pointed out, comes from giving pleasure to others.
P G Wodehouse

Two prizes, respectively of £250 and £1,000, will be awarded

Entries must be submitted by email no later than 12 noon BST on Wednesday 1st September 2022.

  • Kingdoms In The Wild Annual Poetry Prize 2022

MARCH 7TH 2022 TO APRIL 17TH 2022
Winner will receive $250 & Publication of winning chapbook by Kingdoms in the Wild & 5 complimentary physical copies mailed to the author as well as the option to choose a single complimentary title from our existing catalog. Kingdoms in the Wild will also promote the winning chapbook to all our readers across our various platforms and will work to provide copies to reviewers and poet enthusiasts

  • 2022 FuPo Poetry Contest (No Fee)
Ends on May 1, 2022

The 2022 FuPo Poetry Contest is for “FUnny and POignant” poems under 60 lines. We want witty, we want dark humor, we want to look at things in a new way or learn a fact that fits perfectly into a well-told-tale. We like a wide range of styles—our last contest issue is a great way to get an estimation of our tastes.

 1st Place Prize: $500.

 All submissions are considered for publication in Coastal Shelf (which has a payment of $30)

Writings Generally

  • Mike Resnick Contest 2022

This is an annual award sponsored by Galaxy's Edge magazine (published by Arc Manor) and Dragon Con that celebrates new authors. As well as publishing hundreds of books as author and editor, Mike Resnick was known for his "Writer Children"—paying it forward by helping new writers start their careers. This award was created to honor his memory and continue on his legacy by spotlighting the wonderful new voices in the writing world.

Submission Dates: Stories may be submitted between June 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022 for consideration for the 2022 Dragon Awards.

First Place Prize: The first place winner will get a trophy, a cash award of $250.00 and have their story bought (at the magazine’s prevailing rate) by Galaxy’s Edge for publication in the magazine.

Runner-up Prizes: The second place winner will be given a prize of $100 and the third place winner a prize of $50.

  • Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize 2022

The Author of Tomorrow is designed to find the adventure writers of the future. Part of the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, it is an annual competition open to young people across the world who have completed a short piece of adventure writing in English.

The Author of Tomorrow is open for submissions 21st February - 22nd April 2022.

 The shortlist will be announced on 13th July 2022. Find the details on how to enter by selecting the submissions tab below. 

Prizes are awarded in three categories:

11 and Under | 500 words | Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school

12-15 years | 1,500 - 5,000 words | Prize: £100 plus £150 book tokens for your school

16-21 years | 1,500 - 5,000 words |  Prize: £1,000

Each shortlisted author also has their work digitally published by our partners at global literacy charity, Worldreader.

  • Al Blanchard Award 2022

Al Blanchard was MWA-NE chapter president and a member of Sisters in Crime when he and then-president of Sisters in Crime New England Gin Mackey seized the initiative to organize a regional mystery conference for New England. He then served as co-chair for the first three New England Crime Bake conferences.

Al exemplified everything great about mystery writing. He was the grateful recipient of mentoring and advice from writers who came before him, and he was always ready to reach out to new and aspiring writers to share his experience and knowledge. He was a dedicated and prolific writer whose career was exploding at the time of his tragic death in 2004.

The New England Crime Bake Committee established the Al Blanchard Award in his memory to annually honor the best crime short story by a New England writer or with a New England setting.

The Prize
$100 cash award.
Publication in 2022’s Best New England Crime Stories anthology
Free admission to the Crime Bake Conference.
A handsome plaque.
The winner is not required to attend the conference

  • Deadline for submission is midnight, April 30, 2022.

  • Sunlight Press Contests 2022

This spring we’re delighted to offer a writing contest for creative nonfiction of 1,000 words or less. 

Please submit your personal essay beginning April 1, 2022.

 Submissions must be previously unpublished.

 We will close when we get 200 entries, or on April 30 at 5 p.m. (ET), whichever comes first. 

Only one entry per writer and please write Essay Contest 2022 in the subject line of your email (essays not marked for “contest” will not be considered for the contest). 

The winning writer will receive a $500 cash prize as well as regular payment for their work. 

We will also choose two top finalists to receive $50 (regular payment + cash prize). 

Additional entries will be chosen for regular publication at The Sunlight Press.

  • Wrong Turns Travel Writing Competition 2022

Your story should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Editors will be looking for originality, voice, and a satisfying story that captures attention and makes use of imagery to pull the reader along at every step. 

One winner and up to three runners-up will be selected and have their work published on Intrepid Times. The winner will be paid a cash-prize of US $150, while the runners up will be paid US $50.

Entry is free of charge to all writers. 

The deadline to submit your writing for the “Wrong Turns Travel Writing Competition” is April 30, 2022. 

  • The Experienced Theatre Practitioners Early Playwriting Award
Submissions open from 8 November 2021 - 30 April 2022

The ETPEP Award 2022 is a playwriting prize for new UK playwrights who work or have worked in the theatre industry, run by the Finborough Theatre in association with the Experienced Theatre Practitioners Early Playwriting Trust (ETPEP).

For the 2022 Award, the prize money has been increased from last year and now offers a £8000 top prize.

The Award’s purpose is to find and nurture a playwright who has worked in theatre for two years or more (but not in a literary department setting or as a paid script reader), who is looking to further their ambitions and skill in the art and craft of playwriting.

The ETPEP Award 2022 is open to UK residents of any age who have not had a play professionally produced, and who have worked front of house, in administrative roles, on stage, backstage, lighting, design etc. or in a creative capacity in theatre for at least two years, either now or in the past.

  • Fix Fiction Contest

Fix, Grist’s solutions lab, invites you to submit a hope-filled climate fiction short story for our second annual contest, Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors.

Stories must be set anytime between today and the year 2200, and show a path to a clean, green, and just future. We especially want to read — and share — narratives that center solutions from the communities most impacted by climate change and stories that envision what a truly equitable, decolonized society could look like. In 3,000 to 5,000 words, show us the world you dream of building

  • Cash prizes
  • Publication on Fix’s site in the fall of 2022
  • A reason to stay hopeful
  • The winning writer will be awarded $3,000, with the second- and third-place finalists receiving $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. An additional nine finalists will get $300 apiece. All winners and finalists will have their story published in an immersive collection on Fix’s website — each with its own original art — and will be celebrated in a public virtual event. 

The deadline for submission is May 5, 2022, by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Pacific Standard Time.

  • Peter Hinchcliffe Short Fiction Award

This is an organized by The New Quarterly Magazine.
$1000 for one outstanding short story Sponsored by the St Jerome’s University English Department

Deadline: May 28, 2022

This contest honours distinguished St Jerome’s University lecturer, Peter Hinchcliffe, who was instrumental in founding The New Quarterly and who served for many years as co-editor. His approach to teaching, as well as his personal charm and endearing sense of humour, had an enduring influence on both students and colleagues; this award recognizes Peter’s outstanding contributions to his home department.

  •  Masters Review Flash Fiction Contest 2022

Our love of flash fiction runs deep. We are proud to offer a contest dedicated solely to flash. The winning writer will be awarded $3000 and publication in The Masters Review. Second and third place will be awarded $300 and $200, respectively, as well as publication in The Masters Review. So here it is: a home for your very best small fiction.

  • Deadline: May 31st, 2022

New Millennium Writings Award
New Millennium Writings was launched in 1996 with a 15-word classified ad. From those humble beginnings, NMW has exploded into an internationally recognized and highly sought-after literary award and journal.

$4,000 IN AWARDS + PUBLICATION (in print and online)

Deadline: June 30, 2022



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,154,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,427,Education,22,Essay Contests,57,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,156,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
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