The Bureau Dispatch publishes short stories between 500 to 1,500 words. We want your best work. We are not a spec fic journal, but our stories often
The Bureau Dispatch: How To Submit
The Bureau Dispatch is open for submissions from August 1 to September 16, 2022.
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The Bureau Dispatch publishes short stories between 500 to 1,500 words.
We want your best work. We are not a spec fic journal, but our stories often contain a hint of the speculative, a dash of the intriguing. We want fiction that is compelling and beautifully-crafted; narratives that leave the reader breathless and changed. The kind of story that, when all is said and done, elicits a resounding "sh*t, yeah!"
The Bureau Dispatch pays US$50 for work published. We require non-exclusive electronic and print rights (for future print anthologies or collections) within 2 years of acceptance. All copyrights remain with the author at all times.
Please visit our Submittable page for detailed submission guidelines and publishing terms: