--> Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024 | Pawners Paper

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Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024

Enjoy the list of mental health poetry competitions 2024. The mental health poetry contests are available to writers to submit their works and win.

Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024

Mental health poetry competition 2024

In this, there's a consistent provision of available mental health poetry competition in 2024. However, in this category, there are only mental health themed poetry competitions. The list will updated from time to time.

Good luck!

Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024

(Other Poetry Competitions 2024)

  • Defenestrationism's Lengthy Poem Contest 2024

Submit to Defenestrationism's Lengthy Poem Contest 2024, organized in memory of Christine Gawn Wick

A total amount of 300 U.S. dollars will be offered to a single winner of a Lengthy Poem Contest.

Submission for the 2024 Lengthy Poem Contest is now open.

Deadline: January 1st, 2024

  • Gemini Magazine Poetry Prize 2024

Second Prize: $100
Four Honorable Mentions: $25
Entry Fee: $9 (up to 3 poems)

Deadline: January 2, 2024

All Six Finalists Will Be Published Online in our March/April 2024 Issue

Any Subject, Style or Length
Entries Must Be Unpublished
Poems on Personal Blogs OK
All Entries Are Read Blind

  • The Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies 2024

The Steinbeck Fellows Program, endowed through the generosity of Martha Heasley Cox, offers emerging writers of any age and background the opportunity to pursue a significant writing project during their fellowship tenure. The emphasis of the program is on helping writers who have had some success but have not published extensively, and whose promising work would be aided by the financial support and sponsorship of the Center and the University's creative writing program.

The Steinbeck Fellowship Program is named in honor of author John Steinbeck and is guided by his lifetime of work in literature, the media, and environmental activism. The program offers the opportunity to interact with other writers, faculty, and graduate students, and to share your work in progress by giving a public reading during the fellowship. Fellowships include a stipend of $15,000. 

Deadline: January 5, 2024

  • The Colorado Prize for Poetry 2024
The Colorado Prize for Poetry is an international poetry book manuscript contest established in 1995. Each year’s prizewinner receives a $2,500 honorarium and publication of his or her book by the Center for Literary Publishing

Submission Guidelines 
Manuscripts will be accepted between October 1, 2023, and the postmark deadline of January 14, 2024 (note that we observe a five-day grace period for both paper and online submissions).

The winner will be announced by May 2024.

The winning book-length collection of poems will be published by the Center for Literary Publishing and distributed by the University Press of Colorado in the fall of 2024. The author receives a $2,500 honorarium.

Deadline: January 14, 2024

  • The Gulliver Travel Grant 2023

Award: $1,000 USD.

Winner announced January 15, 2024.

Since 2004, the Gulliver Travel Grant has been awarded annually to assist writers of speculative literature in their non-academic research. These funds are used to cover airfare, lodging, and other travel expenses. Travel may be domestic or international. You may apply for travel to take place at any point in the following year.

This grant, as with all SLF grants, is intended to help writers working with speculative literature. Speculative literature spans the breadth of fantastic writing, encompassing literature ranging from hard science fiction to epic fantasy, including ghost stories, horror, folk and fairy tales, slipstream, magical realism, and more. Any piece of literature containing a fabulist or speculative element would fall under our aegis.

This grant is awarded on the basis of interest and merit. If awarded the grant, the recipient agrees to provide a brief report of their research experience (500-1,000 words) and an autobiographical statement describing themselves and their writing (500-1,000 words) for our files and for public dissemination on our website and mailing list.

  • Rattle Chapbook Prize 2024
While most chapbook contests offer maybe $500 and 25 copies of your chapbook, we’re going to give a few poets something special. Every year, three winners will receive:


500 copies.

Distribution to Rattle’s 8,000+ subscribers.

In a world where a bestselling full-length poetry book means 1,000 copies sold, the winners will reach an audience more than seven times as large on the first day alone—an audience that includes hundreds of other literary magazines, presses, and well-known poets. This will be a chapbook to launch a career.

And maybe the best part is this: Every Rattle subscriber will receive a copy of each winning chapbook. Beginning in 2018, each quarterly issue of Rattle includes a bonus chapbook delivered to every subscriber, most of which being selected through this annual competition.

January 15, 2024 (11:59 p.m. PST)

  • Chris O'Malley Prize in Fiction 2024 and Phyllis Smart-Young Prize in Poetry 2024
The Madison Review accepts contest submissions from November 1st, 2023 to January 22nd, 2024. Contests will have a submission fee of $10.

Phylis Smart-Young prize in poetry:

Phylis Smart-Young submissions should adhere to poetry submission standards, with the exception the 5-poem maximum. Submissions should be exactly three poems, no fewer and no more, with a maximum length of 15 pages.
Chris O'Malley prize in fiction:

Chris O'Malley submissions are to follow the same standards as all other fiction submissions.
Writers may submit one entry per genre (one short story and/or group of three poems). Updates on the contests can be found on our Instagram and our Twitter feed.

Chris O'Malley Prize in Fiction 2024 

The finest unpublished short story is awarded $1,000 and publication in the spring issue of The Madison Review!

Deadline: January 22, 2024

  • Askew’s Word on the Lake Writing Contest 2023

Whether you’re an established or emerging writer, the annual Askew’s Word on the Lake Writing Contest has a place for you.

Deadline: The contest submission period opens on January 2, 2024, and submissions can be emailed up to midnight Pacific time, January 31, 2024.

The contest offers prizes for nine winners overall, thanks to the generosity of contest sponsor Askew’s Foods:

$200 for First Place in each category (short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry), plus a 2024 festival registration package
$125 for Second Place in each category, plus a festival banquet package
$100 for Honourable Mention in each category, plus a festival banquet package
All winning entries will also be published in the 2024 edition of the Askew’s Word on the Lake Anthology. Everyone who enters the contest will receive a copy of the anthology in ebook format (epub, mobi, and PDF), and each contest winner also receives the anthology in print. The 2024 anthology, along with anthologies from previous years, will be available at the festival and online.

Each entry to the contest has a $15 Canadian entry fee, one hundred percent of which goes directly to supporting the Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival

  • The Ambroggio Prize 2024
The Ambroggio Prize is a $1,000 publication prize given for a book-length poetry manuscript originally written in Spanish and with an English translation. The winning manuscript is published by the University of Arizona Press, which is nationally recognized for its commitment to publishing the award-winning works of emerging and established voices in Latinx and Indigenous literature, as well as groundbreaking scholarship in Latinx and Indigenous studies.

Established in 2017, the Ambroggio Prize is the only annual award of its kind in the United States that honors American poets whose first language is Spanish.

Deadline: Submissions for the 2024 Ambroggio Prize will be accepted from September 15, 2023 to February 15, 2024. The judge is Norma Elia Cantú. 

  • Harold Morton Landon Translation Award 2024
This $1,000 award recognizes the work of a translator for a poetry collection translated from any language into English and published in the previous calendar year. Established in 1976, it is given annually. A noted translator chooses the winning book.

Submissions for the 2024 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award will be accepted from September 15, 2023 through February 15, 2024. The judge is Valzhyna Mort.

  • The Tower Poetry Competition 2024
The Tower Poetry Competition offers the UK’s most valuable prize for young poets. The competition is free to enter and it is open to students between 16-18 years of age who are educated in the UK. 

The competition is judged anonymously by two guest judges, who are different each year, and the Christopher Tower Student. Each year the theme is chosen with the intention of giving entrants free rein to interpret it as widely as they like.

The Christopher Tower Poetry Prizes recently reached new heights with a newly increased first prize and a full set of awards worth more than £14000. 

This year, the poet who writes the best single poem on the theme of ‘Mirror’ receives £5000. There will be a second prize of £3000, and a third prize of £1500. Along with these, there will be ten runners up, who will each receive £500

Deadline: 23 February 2024

  • The 2024 New Poets Prize

The New Poets Prize is a pamphlet competition for writers between the ages of 17 and 24 (inclusive). This prize will run alongside the renowned International Book & Pamphlet Competition, also organised by The Poetry Business, which has now been established for 38 years.

Entrants are invited to submit short collections of twelve pages of poems. Winners and runners-up will be selected to receive a year of support from The Poetry Business, a publisher and writer development agency with a strong reputation for discovering, developing and promoting outstanding new writers.

Two winners will receive editorial support and help in extending their entry to 20 or 24 pages for pamphlet publication by Smith | Doorstop and their work will in appear in a feature in The North magazine.

Two runners-up will receive mentoring, including a place on a residential writing course, and their poems will appear in a feature in East of The North, the Poetry Business’s online poetry publication.

The winners and runners-up will also receive a subscription to The North magazine and will be invited to give a reading organised by The Poetry Business.

Deadline: March 6, 2024

  • Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2024

Now in its 23rd year, Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest is one of the most prestigious poetry competitions that are usually open annually. It's a poetry contest seeks today's best humor poems. No fee to enter. Submit published or unpublished work.

Cash Prizes: The selected winners Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest win $3,750 in total prize.

First Prize: $2,000 plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value)
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250
Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each
Top 12 entries published online


Please submit one humor poem during
August 15, 2023-April 1, 2024
The results of our 23rd contest will be announced on August 15, 2024.

Mental Health Poetry Competition 2023

  • Lucky Jefferson Poetry & Prose Summer Contest 2023

Lucky Jefferson is currently accepting submission for its inaugural poetry and prose competition. Interested writers are to read further on the guidelines for submissions.

20 finalists will receive publication in Lucky Jefferson's digital 365 Collection. 

Two finalists from that group (one poetry and one prose) will each receive $100, publication, and a swag box.

Deadline: August 1

  • Palette Poetry's Chapbook Prize 2023

Poetry chapbook manuscripts of all styles are accepted with no specific theme or aesthetic preference in request. 

The winner will receive $2,000 and Summer 2024 publication, which includes a free, downloadable digital chapbook on their website, fifty physical author copies to share and sell, and the option to enable drop-shipping sales at Amazon, Bookshop.org, and Barnes & Noble, earning 50% royalties on your chapbook. 

Additionally, thousands of readers, editors, and journals will receive chapbook access through our newsletter. 

The winner will have creative agency over cover art/design, and also be offered the opportunity to work with Palette editors to revise the manuscript.

According to the Palette Poetry, there is an extended editorial process for any book that they believe in, so please feel welcome to submit promising work that may not be fully polished yet. 

Deadline: August 20

  • The Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts 2023 

Lunch Ticket is honored to host The Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts. The Gabo Prize is funded by writers, translators, and Antioch University Los Angeles MFA Alumni Allie Marini and Jennifer McCharen, who launched the prize to support the work of peer translators.

The winner, selected by a guest judge, will receive $200, and the winning piece will be published alongside two semi-finalists in the upcoming issue of Lunch Ticket. The Gabo Prize is awarded twice each year.

Deadline: September 1

  • Frontier Poetry's Roots and Roads Prize 2023

Frontier Poetry is currently open for submission for its Root and Roads inaugural prize. Read further on the submission guidelines.

The submission is free for BIPOC writers. A total amount of $3000 will be awarded to the first place prize winner, $300 to second place, and $200 to third place.

About The Roots & Roads Prize

The organizers of the prize has the following to say about the prize:

"Not only are root systems vital for a tree to channel sustenance from the soil, but they are also communicators, connecting the plant to its environment and to other plants. Roads, too, are connectors, telling a story of movement and distances. This year, for our inaugural Roots & Roads Prize, Frontier Poetry invites you to imagine your poems as roots and roads, reaching both inward and outward.

We are in search of work that explores the tensions between these ideas, the relationships we have between origin and becoming, between our foundations and the possibilities that are sustained and/or troubled by them. We encourage you to interpret these words loosely and expansively, to let the poem take you where it wants. Bring us your ghosts, your maps, your homes, your alienations, your dreams of the future—lead us somewhere unexpected!"

Deadline: September 18

  • 2024 Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize

The Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize is given to honor exceptional poems that help readers recognize the gravity of the vulnerable state of our environment.

Established in 2019 with generous support from Treehouse Investments, the prize will honor three poets. First place will receive $1,000; second place, $750; and third place, $500. In addition, all three poems will be published in the popular Poem-a-Day series, which is distributed to 500,000+ readers. Poems may also be featured in the award-winning education series Teach This Poem, which serves 40,000+ educators each week. 

Deadline: Submissions for the 2024 Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize are accepted from September 15, 2023 through November 15, 2023. 

The judges are poet Elizabeth Bradfield and climate scientist Kate Marvel, PhD

  • Happiful Poetry Prize 2024 

Submit your poems that explore mental health and wellbeing for the Happiful Poetry Prize 2024
We’re looking for poems that explore the topic of mental health and wellbeing in relatable, original, and empowering ways. The competition is free to enter, and welcomes new and seasoned writers alike. No prior experience is necessary, the only thing we require is a passion for writing!

The winner will receive £100, and four shortlisted poets will receive a £25 National Book Token. All five poems will be published in issue 84 of Happiful.

Deadline: November 20, 2023

  • The Poetry.com Contest 2023
Enter our monthly poetry contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Poetry.com prides itself in supporting and encouraging all writers, regardless of background, education or experience. All poets, whether just starting out or with many years of practice, are encouraged to use our monthly contests as an opportunity to gain motivation, inspiration, exposure and most importantly, build passion and enjoyment for the written word!

What about the awards?

When it comes to the awards, we offer exciting prizes for our contest winners. The top three winners will receive cash prizes, with the first-place winner receiving $500, the second-place winner receiving $300, and the third-place winner receiving $200. 

Furthermore, five runners-up will receive a personalized mug featuring their winning poem. And that's not all - at the end of the year, the twelve monthly winners will compete for the Poem of the Year grand prize of $1,000.

  • Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition 2023

The Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition was first held in 2010. It is a poetry prize for a single poem, open to writers from around the world from September to November annually. Sponsored by the Munster Literature Centre, the prize is named in honour of the late Irish poet long associated with the Centre.

Open for entries 1 September – 30 November

Line limit: 40
Closing date: 30th November (midnight)
Entry fee: €7 per poem or €30 for a batch of five

The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast poems in the English language of 40 lines or fewer. The poem can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world.

 Translated work is not in the scope of this competition. Once entered, no alterations can be made to the submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted but please notify us immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere

Prizes For Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition 2023

Featured reading at the Cork International Poetry Festival (with four-night hotel stay and full board)
Featured on the Southword Poetry Podcast
Publication in Southword

Publication in Southword

Publication in Southword

Publication in Southword

  • Cafe Writers Poetry Competition 2023


Closing Date 30th November 2023 (Midnight GMT)

1st £1000
2nd £300
3rd £200
Five Commended Prizes of £50
Norfolk Prize £100
For the best poem from a permanent Norfolk resident not winning another prize.


£4 per poem; or £10 for 3 poems & £2 per poem thereafter.

Concessions: We are offering the free entry of one poem to any UK resident with a household income of less than £16,000 for whom the cost of entering would be prohibitive. Your status to claim this will be taken on trust

Deadline: 30th November 2023 (Midnight GMT).

  • Tadpole Press 100-Word Writing Contest 2023

We are now accepting submissions through November 30, 2023.

The first-place prize has doubled to $2,000 USD.

Word Limit: 100 words or less per entry. Word limit includes the title and introduction, though these are not required.

Entry Limit: You may submit as many entries as you'd like.

Writers: All ages. All genders. All nationalities. All writers welcome.

Genre / Theme: Any genre.

Prizes: 1st place: $2,000 USD.

              2nd place: Writing coaching package valued at $450 USD.

              3rd place: Developmental and diversity editing package

valued at $250 USD.

Entry Fee: $15 USD.

Deadline: November 30, 2023.

  • J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction 2023

The 2023 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction is currently open for submission. All writers can submit their best short fiction works in contest for cash prizes.

“One foot in this world and one in the next”: that’s how J.F. Powers described the Midwestern priests he wrote about in his fiction. Having one foot in another world can be awkward, and Powers’ characters are known not for their graceful mysticism, but for the humiliating and mordantly entertaining stumbles they make while trying to live their faith. We’re looking for carefully crafted short stories with vivid characters who encounter grace in everyday settings—we want to see who, in the age we live in, might have one foot in this world and one in the next.

Cash Prizes 
1st place: $500
2nd place: $250
Up to 8 honorable mentions: publication in the journal and a one-year subscription

  • The Sarah Maguire Poetry in Translation Prize 2023
The Sarah Maguire Poetry in Translation Prize is offered biennially for the best book of poetry in English translation by a living poet from beyond Europe, published anywhere in the world. £1,500 is awarded to the winning poet and £1,500 to the winning translator (or shared if there is more than one translator).

Deadline: December 31

  • The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry

The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is currently open for submission till December 2023. The Sillerman Prize is awarded annually, with submissions open between September 15th and December 1st

The African Poetry Book Series is made possible through the generosity of philanthropists Laura and Robert F. X. Sillerman, whose generous contributions have facilitated the establishment of the APBF. In recognition of their invaluable support of our work, Mr. and Mrs. Sillerman have welcomed the use of their name for the First Book Prize for African Poets.

The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is awarded annually to an African poet who has not yet published a collection of poetry. The winner receives USD $1000 and book publication through the University of Nebraska Press and Amalion in Senegal

Deadline: December 1

Love Letters to London returns for its third year with thousands of pounds in cash prizes . Dust off the keyboard or get tapping on your mobile, because there is more than £4,000 of prizes in the London Society’s free to enter writing competition “Love Letters to London”.

Now in its third year, this competition is open to everyone to celebrate our wonderful, fantastic, infuriating city in prose or poetry. 

Open to all ages, and to all writing styles - fiction, poetry, essays and reportage - whether you live in the capital or not. There are special categories for under 18s, as well as prizes for schools.

The theme this year is: Love Letters to London of the Future.

What does your London of the future look like – what are your passions, hopes, dreams and aspirations for this most wonderful of cities?

Deadline: The closing date for entries is midday (UK time) December 1st 2023, and prizes will be presented at an awards ceremony next Spring.

  • Mslexia Women's Poetry Competition 2023

This competition is open to unpublished poems of any length, on any subject. Your £10 entry fee allows you to submit up to three poems.

1st: £2,000; 2nd: £500; 3rd: £250

Unpublished Poetry Prize for the best poem by a previously unpublished poet: £250.

The four winners, plus sixteen additional finalists will have their poems published in the March 2024 issue of Mslexia.

The deadline for all entries is 23.59GMT, 4 December 2023

  • Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2023
Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2023 is currently open for submission and is to be judged by mona arshi & tom sleigh. The poetry competition offers the following cash prizes to the winners:

  • first prize £2,000
  • second prize £1,000
  • third prize £500
  • plus 20 commendeds
  • plus – winners & commendeds will be invited to read with judges (live & online) at the Bedford Park Festival ‘Yeats Birthday’ poetry event in June 2024.
The poems can be on any theme

Deadline: submit via email by sun 10 dec 2023

  • The 2023 Society of Classical Poets International Poetry Competition
The 2023 Society of Classical Poets International Poetry Competition is currently open for submission.

First Prize:
$2,000. Publication on the Society’s website and Journal.

December 31, 2023, 11:59 p.m. EST. Winners announced February 1, 2024 on our e-Newsletter and on the Society’s homepage. (Annual submission dates Sept. 1 – Dec. 31.)

  • Kinsman Quarterly’s Iridescence Award 2023

The Iridescence Award is currently open for submission. Submissions are open for short stories and poetry by BIPOC authors for Kinsman Quarterly’s Iridescence Award. Themes should include the supernatural, extraterrestrial, or the paranormal. Prizes include publication in the Iridescence anthology with cash awards up to $500 USD. No fee required. 

Deadline is December 31st. 

Those eligible must submit an original, unpublished work in English. Genres include, but are not limited to, fantasy, folk mythology, science fiction, and the paranormal. Winning submissions will also be featured in the Kinsman Quarterly, its social media sites, and printed promotions. Copyrights of the individual submissions remain with the authors and artists. However, copyrights for the anthology as a collection are reserved to Kinsman Avenue Publishing, Inc



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Pawners Paper: Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024
Mental Health Poetry Competition 2024
Enjoy the list of mental health poetry competitions 2024. The mental health poetry contests are available to writers to submit their works and win.
Pawners Paper
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