The American Buffalo Books Fiction Prize 2023.Submissions open on February 1 for 28 days or 100 submissions.
About American Buffalo Books
Buffalo Books is a non-profit literary press affiliated with the Kansas State University English Department. We publish novels that explore the Midwest, the Plains, and the so-called flyover portions of the West.
Our first novel — Aaron Burch's Year of the Buffalo — was published in November. Our second novel — Cheryl Walsh's Unequal Temperament, the first winner of the American Buffalo Books Fiction Prize, will be published later this year, and Adam Galanski's Szarotka is forthcoming in 2024.
Submission Guidelines For The American Buffalo Books Fiction Prize 2023
Submissions open on February 1 for 28 days or 100 submissions.
We are open only to novels — from 40,000 to 80,000 words — that are set in or explore the Midwest, the Great Plains, and/or the alleged flyover portions of the West. Please do not submit work that does not fit this criteria.
Submissions will be be read and screened anonymously. Do not include identifying details on the text itself. (A short acknowledgments page is allowed if a portion of the book has been published in another venue.).
Manuscripts should be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with 1-inch margins.
Submissions are free.
One book will be selected for publication. The winning writer will receive an honorarium of $500 and publication under a generous royalty contract.
Former and current students at Kansas State University are not eligible for the Buffalo Books Fiction Prize.