--> 3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays 2023 | Pawners Paper

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3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays 2023

For the third year running, Singapore Unbound, a NYC-based literary non-profit, will be giving out three awards of USD250.00

Submit To 3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays on Singapore and Other Literatures 2023

Stories Unbound

3 Awards of USD250 each
Submission deadline: July 31, 2023

For the third year running, Singapore Unbound, a NYC-based literary non-profit, will be giving out three awards of USD250.00 each for the best three undergraduate critical essays on topics in Singapore and other literatures. The purpose of these awards is to encourage the teaching and study of Singapore literature at college level and the cultivation of general appreciation for the character and achievements of Singapore literature.

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3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays 2023

About 3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays on Singapore and Other Literatures 2023

Funded by Professor Koh Tai Ann (NTU, Singapore), these awards will be given to written works of literary criticism that illuminate their chosen topics for the general reader. We welcome all critical and theoretical perspectives, but we prefer writing that is graceful, compelling, and accessible. The award-winning essays will be published on Singapore Unbound’s journal SUSPECT. Read last year's winners here, here, and here.

For the purpose of these awards, Singapore literature is defined as literature written in English from 1965 onwards by a Singaporean citizen, permanent resident, or anyone with a strong personal and literary association with Singapore. The author does not have to be residing in Singapore nor to have maintained their citizenship. The work(s) discussed may be in any of the literary genres, including but not limited to poetry, fiction, literary non-fiction, drama, and graphic novels. In future iterations of the awards, we hope to include Singapore literature written in other languages besides English.

Essay topics may include studies of a single author or a single work (for example, a novel, volume of poems, or collection of short stories). In the case of a single work, the essay must go well beyond the ambition of a book review to offer mature reflection within an interesting analytical framework. The topics may also be of a comparative nature, that is, the essays may compare an author/work with another author/work, as long as both works are in English. The second author/work may be non-Singaporean, but at least half of the essay must focus on its Singaporean aspect.

Our judge this year is Sophia Siddique Harvey. Professor Harvey holds a PhD from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts. She is an associate professor of Film at Vassar College. Her research interests include Singapore film, Southeast Asian cinemas, and genres such as science-fiction and horror. Her forthcoming publications include a collaborative interview with Tan Pin Pin (Routledge Companion to Asian Cinemas, co-edited by Zhen Zhang, Intan Paramaditha, Sangjoon Lee, and Debashree Mukherjee) and a personal essay about her involvement in Shirkers 1.0 (Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film, University of California Press, co-edited by Alix Beeston and Stefan Solomon).

The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2023, and the awards will be announced in September 2023.

Guidelines for Submission

1. The awards are open to all college undergraduates residing anywhere in the world. There is no entry fee.

2. Your essay must be written in English and be between 4,500-5,000 words, including bibliography and endnotes. Please provide a 150-200 word abstract at the beginning of the essay. Give your essay a title, number the pages of your manuscript, and provide a word count at the end. Format and citation should follow MLA 8th edition.

3. Email Jee Leong Koh at jkoh@singaporeunbound.org with a brief cover letter in the body of your email and the essay manuscript attached in MSWord format. The cover letter should include your full name, mailing address, institutional affiliation, and year of graduation. The required information should not appear in your essay manuscript.

4. Please do not submit your essay manuscript to any other places while it is under consideration with us.



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Pawners Paper: 3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays 2023
3rd Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays 2023
For the third year running, Singapore Unbound, a NYC-based literary non-profit, will be giving out three awards of USD250.00
Pawners Paper
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