Undoubtedly, Yaminnie Chandrra's "The Demons Within" is a recast of Elizabeth George Speare's words, the demons that make a person afraid are the hard
The Demons Within
The demons are within
snarling, ferocious, ready to attack!
They dwell in the darkness
deep within his soul, black.
There is a forest of weeds
from memories past.
The collective experiences
of his forefathers amassed.
The demons within him
are sniffing for a fight.
They’re grinding their teeth
ready for bloodsport infinite.
I can already see
I have no chance of any kind.
Soon, the carcasses of reason
will be all that’s left behind.
The demons within
will not let the light in.
In these dark forests
only the beast will win.
My tears taste like blood to him
he is thirsty for more, he claws.
I try to win him with love
but he eats my heart raw.
Yaminnie Chandrra is a poet in London. In her previous life, she was an independent and carefree Graphic designer in Delhi. She has had an accelerated learning in the game of life; learning all about love, caring for an elderly person, abuse, losing it all, standing up for herself and starting over.
She wrote her first poem at the age of eleven and has delved into the lyrical world every now and then. Yaminnie writes in English as well as Hindi.
Social media: Instagram and Tiktok @butterscotch_butterflies
Photo by Ryanniel Masucol