The poem grips the memory strain the past leaves on the human mind. He designated it as a soul-wretching demon, a stigma that is endured.
"The poem grips the memory strain the past leaves on the human mind. He designated it as a soul-wretching demon, a stigma that is endured, not severable."
A Note of Healing
The memory still haunt, its scar
hum to my mind in falling cadence,
sometimes in hymns of hope,
my lips voicing its lyrics.
sometimes in whispers that ride
the cool breeze of the morning
sometimes in blaring screams and honks,
jittering me to greenlight of its pathway.
Like the demon divulge a saint soul,
ripping out its will to live,
like the lion pounce on its prey,
sniffing out flesh & bones with it claws.
the stigma became a shadow
in the daylight & I therefore live
in the darkened realm of my thoughts.
The pain mapped on my thigh
is beyond the shores of words
and/or the vast island of lines
or hovering wings of emotions
to be carved on canvas of art.
Metaphor isn't worthy of a king
to slave the millennium pains
of regret in this memory. But I live.
Adepoju Timileyin O. is a young poet from Nigeria. He writes about nature, love and pains. His works have been published in Synchronised Chaos, Iceblink Lit Mag, Cloudscent Journal and forthcoming elsewhere. He can be reached Instagram and Facebook
Photo from Pexels.
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