--> The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023 For Short Story Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Poetry | Pawners Paper

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The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023 For Short Story Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Poetry

The Writivism Literary Prizes announce the opening of the submission window and a seven-member panel of judges for 2023.

The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023

The Writivism Literary Prizes announce the opening of the submission window and a seven-member panel of judges for 2023. 

The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023

The 2023 Koffi Addo Prize for Creative Nonfiction Submission Guidelines 

The Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Creative Nonfiction is an annual award for creative non-fiction by emerging writers of African descent administered by the Center for African Cultural Excellence (CACE) and sponsored by the Koffi Addo family through MAKEDA PR. 

  • Entrants must be unpublished writers (unpublished here means those who have not had a contract or full-length book published), citizens of an African country, or members of the African diaspora. 
  • Entries must be submitted online, by attaching the Microsoft Word format file of the essay on the submission form available here. 
  • Information about the writer such as country of citizenship, race, age, legal name and pen name (where applicable), telephone contact et cetera must be submitted as responses to questions on the submission form, and not included in the body of the story. 
  • Only one entry per writer may be submitted for the Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Creative Nonfiction. The story must be original and previously unpublished in any form (including on the writer’s personal blog).
  • All entries will be checked automatically for plagiarism using electronic software. Entries found to be plagiarized will be disqualified without notification to the writer.
  • All entries must be in English, 1000 words minimum and 2,000 words maximum. Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text formats, with the title of the story as the file name. The first page of the story should include the title of the story and the number of words.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spacing. No mention should be made on the identity of the writer in the entry.
  • The deadline for receiving entries is November 30, 2023, at 11:59PM, East African Time. 
  • Entrants agree as a condition of entry that CACE may publicize the fact that a story has been entered or shortlisted for the Prize. Worldwide copyright of each story remains with the writer. CACE will have the unrestricted right to publish and translate the short-listed stories in an anthology and elsewhere.
  • Shortlisted writers will copy edit and proofread their stories with our managing editor prior to publication in the annual anthology. Failure to cooperate and be timely with the editorial team will lead to exclusion of the story from the anthology.


The winner of the prize will be awarded $1000 USD and each shortlisted writer will receive $50 USD and a copy of the resulting anthology comprising all the shortlisted work.

The 2023 Writivism Short Story Prize Submission Guidelines 

The Writivism Short Story Prize is an annual award for short fiction by emerging writers of African descent administered and sponsored by the Center for African Cultural Excellence (CACE). 

  • Entrants must be unpublished writers (unpublished here means those who have yet to have a contract/novella/book that is (self)published), citizens of an African country, or members of the African diaspora. 
  • Entries must be submitted online, by attaching the Microsoft Word format file of the story on the submission form available here. 
  • Information about the writer such as country of citizenship, race, age, legal name and pen name (where applicable), telephone must be submitted as responses to questions on the submission form, and not included in the body of the story. 
  • Only one entry per writer may be submitted for the Writivism Short Story Prize. The story must be original and previously unpublished in any form (including on the writer’s personal blog).
  • All entries will be checked automatically for plagiarism using electronic software. Entries found to be plagiarized will be disqualified without notification to the writer.
  • All entries must be in English, and 2,000 – 3,500 words long. Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text formats, with the title of the story as the file name. The first page of the story should include the title of the story and the number of words.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spacing. No mention should be made on the identity of the writer in the entry.
  • The deadline for receiving entries is November 30, 2023, at 11:59PM, East African Time. 
  • Entrants agree as a condition of entry that CACE may publicize the fact that a story has been entered or shortlisted for the Prize. Worldwide copyright of each story remains with the writer. CACE will have the unrestricted right to publish and translate the short-listed stories in an anthology and elsewhere.
  • Shortlisted writers will copy-edit and proofread their stories with our managing editor prior to publication in the annual anthology. Failure to cooperate with the editorial team and be timely will lead to exclusion of the story from the anthology.


The winner of the prize will be awarded $1000 USD and each shortlisted writer will receive $50 USD and a copy of the resulting anthology comprising all the shortlisted work.

The 2023 Writivism Prize for Poetry Submission Guidelines 

The Writivism Prize for Poetry is an annual award for poetry by emerging writers of African descent administered and sponsored by the Center for African Cultural Excellence (CACE). 
Entrants must be unpublished poets (unpublished here means those who are yet to have a contract/publish/launch a full collection/chapbook/album of poetry), citizens of an African country, or members of the African diaspora. The poetry (both the original and the translation) must be previously unpublished in any form (including audio and video forms). Self-published collections are also considered publishing.

  • Entries must be submitted online, by attaching the Microsoft Word format of the poems (in one document) on the submission form available here. 
  • Information about the writer such as country of citizenship, race, age, legal name and pen name (where applicable), and telephone must be submitted as responses to questions on the submission form, and not included in the body of the story. 
  • Five poems in English, and for those submitting English translations of their own poetry from another language, the poems’ original versions in an African indigenous language or African diasporic language, clearly mentioned (in one document) may be submitted. Submitting more or less than five poems renders an entry ineligible.
  • Only the English version of the poetry will be considered by the judges for the prize where translations are submitted. The original, clearly mentioning the African indigenous or diasporic language in which the poems are written must also be included in the entry. Only poems translated by the poet are eligible.
  • All entries must be in English, and 6 – 1000 words long. Only one entry (5 poems) per poet may be submitted for the Writivism Prize for Poetry. The poetry must be original and previously unpublished in any form (including on the writer’s personal blog or social media).
  • All entries will be checked automatically for plagiarism using electronic software. Entries found to be plagiarized will be disqualified without notification to the writer.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spacing. No mention should be made of the identity of the writer in the entry. Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text formats, with the title of the first poem as the file name. The first page of the document should include the titles of the five poems and the total number of words. 
  •  All poems must have a title. The entry must have a cover page, with an index of the poem titles included. The font color shall be black on a white background.
  • The deadline for receiving entries is November 30, 2023, at 11:59PM, East African Time. 
  • Entrants agree as a condition of entry that CACE may publicize the fact that poetry by the poet has been entered or shortlisted for the Prize. Worldwide copyright of each poem remains with the poet. CACE will have the unrestricted right to publish and translate the short-listed poems in an anthology and elsewhere.
  • Shortlisted poets will copy-edit and proofread their poems with our managing editor prior to publication in the annual anthology. Failure to cooperate with the editorial team and be timely will lead to exclusion of the poems from the anthology.


The winner of the prize will be awarded $1000 USD and each shortlisted writer will receive $50 USD and a copy of the resulting anthology comprising all the shortlisted work. 
We expect to publish the annual prizes’ anthology within three years of the prize being awarded



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Pawners Paper: The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023 For Short Story Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Poetry
The Writivism Literary Prizes 2023 For Short Story Fiction, Creative Non-fiction and Poetry
The Writivism Literary Prizes announce the opening of the submission window and a seven-member panel of judges for 2023.
Pawners Paper
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