Entries should address the themes of science fiction/fantasy/horror/science. Enter the Annual BSFS Poetry Contest 2025
Enter the Annual BSFS Poetry Contest 2025
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contest deadline is March 1.
Entries should address the themes of science fiction/fantasy/horror/science.
1st prize: $100; 2nd prize: $75; 3rd prize: $50.
Limit: 3 poems/person, maximum 60 lines each.
No entry fee.
Please no previously published submissions.
Winners will receive a cash prize, convention membership and be invited to read their winning entries at Balticon. Attendance at Balticon is not required to win.
Winning poems will be published one time in the BSFAN, the Balticon convention souvenir book. In addition, a pdf version of the winning poems as they appear in the BSFAN will be available on the Balticon Poetry Contest website. Writers retain all rights to their work. By submitting to the contest, entrants agree to these terms.
Deadline: Mailed entries must be postmarked, and e-mail entries received, by March 1. Entries that do not meet this deadline will be considered for the following year. Please include your name, address, phone & e-mail address and a brief bio with your entry.
Entries may be submitted via the link below, e-mailed to poetry at bsfs dot org, or mailed to "BSFS Poetry Contest," c/o BSFS, PO Box 686, Baltimore, MD 21203. Info: poetry at bsfs dot org.
While we would like to respond to each entrant personally, it is not always possible due to the large number of submissions we receive. Please check the Poetry Contest website periodically for updates and announcement of the winners.
Entries may also be submitted via the BSFS Poetry Contest Submission Form.