--> 20+ Free To Enter Writing Contest in November & December 2022– Pawners Paper | Pawners Paper

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20+ Free To Enter Writing Contest in November & December 2022– Pawners Paper

to ease your stress and make your pen work it's magic, we've decided to compile a list of 30+ writing contest to enter in November and December 2020

20+ Writing Contest To Enter in 2022

Poetry contest

As a writer, getting involved in writing contests, be it poems, articles , short stories and others helps to create an image in the literary world. Aside that, it involves many advantages which includes, monetary values, publication in popular journals and magazines, popularity and many others.

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However, getting the right writing contests might get quite hard and frustrating sometimes. So to ease your stress and make your own work it's magic, we've decided to compile a list of 20+ writing contests to enter in November and December 202 with no entry free, except one but believe me, this one is huge. So we decided to include it as a preference.

So, why don't we start the journey of checking out the writing contests? Lol

You might want to read this:

  • Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 

Wergel Flomp Humour poetry contests is a writing contest that has been running for 20 consecutive years, now in its 20th year. 

This writing contest however seeks today's best humor poems. Interested writers are required to submit published or unpublished work and stand a chance to win $3,500 as prizes

Entry Fee: Requires no fee to enter.

Winners Prizes:

First Prize: $2,000 plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value)
Second Prize: $500
Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each
Top 12 entries published online
Submit online
No fee to enter. Judge: Jendi Reiter, assisted by Lauren Singer Ledoux. 

To submit your works to pawners paper for free, check here

Submission Guidelines

Length limit: 250 lines maximum.
No restriction on age of author. 
Authors from all countries eligible except Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Crimea (due to US government restrictions).
The poem you submit for the writing contest should be in English. Inspired gibberish is also accepted (example). 
Please click the button below to submit.
The results of the 20th contest will be announced on August 15, 2021.

Deadline: April 1, 2021

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  • Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest

This is the 29th annual Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest. 
They accept published or unpublished work for $8,000 in prizes

Entry Fee: $20

Winners Prizes:

STORY: First Prize, $3,000
ESSAY: First Prize, $3,000

The top two winners of the writing contests will also receive two-year gift certificates from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value)

10 Honorable Mentions will receive $200 each (any category)

Submission Guidelines

Enter via Submittable

For this contest, a story is any short work of fiction, and an essay is any short work of nonfiction. 
Please submit as many entries as you like. All themes accepted. 
Entries may be published or unpublished. Length limit: 6,000 words maximum. 
No restriction on age of author. 
All countries eligible except Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Crimea (due to US government restrictions). 

 The results of the 29th contest will be announced on October 15, 2021.

Deadline: April 30, 2021

Flash Fiction Ghana“A 1000 for 1000 Writing Prize| 1,000 Cedis

Flash Fiction Ghana“A 1000 for 1000 Writing Prize| 1,000 Cedis

Flash Fiction Ghana is currently accepting submissions for its “1000 for 1000” writing contest. Writers of Ghanaian heritage, whether home-based or in the diaspora are expected to submit a work for Young Adults on any theme in Fiction or Creative Nonfiction.  The top three winners in each category will receive a cash prize of 1000 cedis, 500 cedis, and 200 cedis respectively.


There are two categories for the prize – Fiction and Creative Nonfiction.

The prize is open to Ghanaian writers from the ages of 18 to 30 and living in Ghana. Submissions are open from November 20, 2020 till 15th January, 2021. Selected submissions from the contest will be edited and published in an anthology later in 2021.

Only Ghanaian writers living in Ghana will be awarded prizes. However, Ghanaian writers in the diaspora within the 18-30years age range are encouraged to submit for the anthology. Flash Fiction Ghana is keen on promoting Ghanaian writers residing in Ghana and one of the aims of this prize is to create more opportunities in the local literary scene.

A Shortlist will be announced on 4th February, 2021. The three winners in each category will be announced on 1st March, 2021.


  • Submissions must be in English.
  • Only one work per entrant.
  • Submissions should be sent as word document attachments, in Times New Roman text font with font size 12.
  • Submissions (for the prize and anthology) should be sent to prize@flashfictionghana.com
  • Ghana-based writers should submit with the subject Flash FictionGhana 2020 prize-Fiction” OR “Flash Fiction Ghana 2020 prize-Creative Nonfiction”.– Writers in the diaspora should submit with the email subject line “Flash Fiction Ghana Anthology Submission-Fiction” or “Flash Fiction Ghana Anthology Submission-Creative Nonfiction”.

Go here to find out more


Ohio University Press calls out to interested writers to submit their manuscript for publication for it's Modern African Writing Series. Ohio University Press was incorporated in 1947 and duly organized by the then president of the Ohio University, Vernon Alden, in 1964. The press is widely known across Africa, Appalachia, Southeast Asia, and the Midwest publishing contents on their topics and the press is also considered the leading and oldest schorlarly publisher in Ohio.

The press published works ranging from from academic monographs to regional guides to internationally acclaimed literary works, its books have established the press as an essential member of its many communities: scholarly, literary, and geographic as well as on many other topics. 

Ohio University Press requests that you should not submit your complete manuscript unless an editor has invited you to do so for its series.

Submission Guidelines For The Ohio University Press’ "Modern African Writing Series"

Your proposal should include a cover letter that includes a narrative description (2-4 typescript pages) of the proposed book's content and scope and an argument for the book's importance, as a rationale for publishing by the Ohio University Press. 

The answers to the questions below should be provided in your supposed proposal.

 Why is this book needed? What will it contribute? How does it compare with other literature on the subject? Who is the audience for this book?

Your proposal should also include:

  • A table of contents

  • A sample chapter, or two

  • The anticipated length of the manuscript

  • The anticipated date of completion (if still a work-in-progress)

  • An up-to-date copy of your curriculum vitae

Call For Entries: Nigerian Newsdirect Poetry Prize 2020 | N150,000

Nigerian Newsdirect Poetry Prize 2020

In a bid to fulfil its long term goal of supporting innovation in Nigerian poetry, The Nigerian NewsDirect has instituted a yearly poetry competition. At the end of the contest, three winners will be announced  and will take home a cash prize of N150,000.

The Nigerian NewsDirect is a daily newspaper which publishes various daily news from oil, gas, power, aviation, maritime, banking, education, capital market, entertainment etc. The Nigerian NewsDirect was organized by the news publishing company to celebrate their 10th year anniversary.

Eligibility For The  Nigerian Newsdirect Poetry Prize 2020

The Nigerian Newsdirect Poetry Prize 2020 competition is open to all Nigerian poets at different stages of their career (except members of Unserious Collective and staff/interns of The African Writers). 

Nigerian poet, we take to mean a person born in Nigeria, or whose parents (at least one) are Nigerian, or a person living in Nigeria naturalized as a citizen.

Submission Guidelines for The  Nigerian Newsdirect Poetry Prize 2020

To Enter for the Nigerian NewsDirect poetry prize, interested poets are to send in ONE previously unpublished poem of any length in a .doc or .docx file—Single-spaced. Font: 12, Garamond or Times New Roman. 

Only Original entries are allowed.

Every writer is allowed to delve into any theme as here is no guiding theme or style for the poetry prize. 

You are prompted and advised to submit your best work for the poetry prize

Email subject should read, “NNDPP 2020 ENTRY.”

In the body of the mail add full name, a bio not more than 70 words, email address, and phone number should be included

Entry Fee:
No entry fee required.

Entrants retain copyright of their works but submission gives us permission to publish selected poems in a future anthology

The 2020 Nine Dots Prize|US$100,000 Cash Prize

The Nine Dots Prize seeks to reward original thinking in response to contemporary societal issues. Each Prize cycle lasts two years, with a new question being announced every other October.

Eligibility For The 2020 Nine Dots Prize

All those 18 years of age and over are welcome to enter but responses and the resulting book must be in English. 

They are looking for innovative thinking, whether this comes from new voices or from experienced authors. 

The Prize’s heartland is in the analysis of contemporary society and societal challenges, and we welcome responses that draw on all disciplines and cross-discipline thinking.
 Joint entries will be considered, although proposals that put forward a number of authors all contributing single sections (such as an edited collection) will not be accepted.

The Judging Process For The 2020 Nine Dots Prize

The Prize will be awarded anonymously. 

The Board will award the Prize to the entry that in their view best responds to the set question. Responses can critique, agree or disagree with, or reject the premise of the question, but they must engage with it fully and insightfully.

The Board hopes to look for originality of the ideas and arguments put submitted for the prize, the ways in which the ideas are communicated and the conclusions or recommendations that the author(s) reach. 

Responses may draw on research and evidence from a wide variety of sources and disciplines not restricted solely to the social sciences.

The Judging Panel will consider the submissions based on the 
Judging Criteria (see below) and award the Prize to the entry that in 
their view best responds to the set question. 
The Judging Criteria states that the Judging Panel will look for 
submissions that:
• are original, important and of excellent quality; 
• contain a strong argument and show a depth of analysis;
• are rigorous whilst being accessibly written and engaging for a 
wide audience;
• exhibit a distinctive voice; and
• are relevant to the question.

Responses can critique, agree or disagree with, or reject the premise 
of the question set, but they must engage with it fully and insightfully.

Responses may use research and evidence from a wide variety of 
sources. Entrants are welcome to draw on their experience or the 
experience of others in answering the question, but this should be 
contextualised alongside relevant research and evidence. A purely 
opinion based response will not be accepted.

The Prize will be judged anonymously. The Judging Panel will make 
their decision on anonymised versions of the summary response and 
outline structure documents only. Entrants do not need to anonymise 
their responses. The Prize’s organising team may use the justification statement provided to confirm information contained in the 
submissions. But the final decision will be made on the strength and 
originality of the response to the set question. 



The Prize is sponsored by the Kadas Prize Foundation with support from CRASSH at the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Press. We have a Board made up of 12 distinguished experts. Day to day, the Prize is run by the Senior Prize Manager.

Submission Guidelines For The 2020 Nine Dots Prize

All application for the Nine Dots Prize must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines below, that is, containing the three parts.

Summary response to the set question, which must be no 
more than 3,000 words in length. Should you win the Prize, 
you will be required – with the support of the editorial team at 
CUP – to develop this summary into a short book of between 
25,000 and 40,000 words. The summary should cover the 
main ideas and arguments your proposed book will make, the 
evidence and research on which it draws and the key 
conclusions it will reach.

- An outline structure of this short book, including provisional 
chapter headings. This can be up to 1,000 words and will 
show how you see your response expanding into a complete 
book and how you would develop your arguments, should you 
be successful. It is an opportunity to prove that there is 
enough depth to your arguments to provide content for an 
entire book.

- A justification statement, which can be up to 1,000 words, 
that sets out how you will complete the book in the time given 
(approx. seven months). This will outline your previous 
experience in communicating effectively about evidence, 
research and ideas, and a commitment from you that your 
responsibilities will allow the book to be completed in the 
seven month period. Where applicable this should include 
confirmation of support from your institution(s) or employer(s) 
that time away from your usual responsibilities has been 

All entries should be submitted through the online submission form on 
No entries submitted via 
other routes will be accepted. No changes to entries can be made 
once submitted

Deadline: January 18, 2021

EPOCH Magazine 2020 Call For Submission | $50, $150 Cash Prizes

Getting published as a writer is good but getting published and paid at the same time is far more better. For this reason, EPOCH magazine has called out to writers and photographers to submit the works for an amazing cash prize

EPOCH magazine is seeking submission of fiction, poetry, essays, cartoons, screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction. Prizes include $50 per poem, $150 per story and publication.

EPOCH magazine is edited by faculty in the Department of English Program in Creative Writing at Cornell University. It appears three times per year: in September, January, and May. 

Eligibility for EPOCH Magazine Submission

Writers from anywhere in the world

No age restriction
No entry fee

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Guidelines for EPOCH Magazine Submission

Work should be original and unpublished

All submissions should include a SASE. 

Submissions without SASE are recycled without notification to the author. 

Submissions should be addressed to the appropriate editor: e.g., Fiction Editor, Poetry Editor, Essay Editor.

Screenplays, cartoons, graphic art, and graphic fiction should be so labeled on the envelope.

Poets can submit no more than five poems in one envelope

Writers can submit no more than one novella-length story per envelope and no more than three short stories per envelope

Multiple submission is accepted but each should be in a different envelopes

Submissions of graphic art, graphic fiction, and cartoons should be as .pdf on disk

Please retain copies of this kind of work.

Include your street address, e-mail address, and phone number on your submission
We normally respond in six to ten weeks, but you can query if you get no response after 3 months 

No electronic or simultaneous submission

Submission Deadline

April 25, 2021

2020 Dread Machine Anthology Call For Submissions| $800 Cash Prize And Free Publication 

2020 is almost ending, so are the literary opportunities for this year. In support of the literary communities, a call for submissions was put out to interested writers by The Dread Machine with amazing prize attached to it.

The dread Machine seeks submission for their annual anthology. They want stories that evoke fear and dread on the theme “1986”.

The Cash Prize for the winner is $800.

Dread Machine wants a scary recount of the year 1986 or our version of it. Do you remember a time before the internet? Before security cameras documented everything?

For their very first anthology, they’re seeking dread-inspiring stories that take place in 1986 — either the 1986 of our reality (Stranger Things) or an alternate version (Tales From the Loop). Bring them back to a simpler, scarier time. Let’s make something radical together.

Page Contents Acceptable For Submission To The Dread Machine Anthology

Eligibility for Dread Machine Anthology Submission

Writers from anywhere in the world can participate and submit their works.

Stories should inspire fear and horror
No age restrictions.

No entry fee ( Closely related: Writing contest with no entry fee)

Other Related Contest:

Submission Guidelines for Dread Machine Anthology

To submit it for The Dread Machine Anthology, all entries must be original and unpublished

Word count of 3,000 – 10,000 words

You have to register to make your submission

No simultaneous submission, i.e, story must not be submitted elsewhere

Multiple entries are accepted for interested writers.

To Register for the Dread Machine Anthology, submit your entry

Submission Deadline
February 25, 2021

Writing Contests Available In 2020

  • Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets

The Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is awarded annually to an African poet who has not yet published a collection of poetry. The winner receives USD $1000 and book publication through the University of Nebraska Press and Amalion Press in Senegal. [continue reading...]

  • Akuko Magazine Literary Contest 

Akuko Magazine is now receiving entries for their inaugural literary/writing contest. Cash prizes include $250 for 1st place; $100 for 2nd place; $50 for 3rd place; and $25 for four honorable winners[continue reading]

Genre: Fiction, NonFiction and Poetry

  • The Brunel International African Poetry Prize 

The Brunel International African Poetry Prize is a major annual poetry prize of £3000, aimed at the development, celebration and promotion of poetry from Africa. The Prize is sponsored by Brunel University London. [continue reading...]
This writing contests is Huge!!

  • Afritondo Short Story Prize

Afritondo Short Story Prize is for unpublished works of fiction  and it's calling writers for submissions for its second edition. Winners enjoys cash prizes for this writing contest.

Prize: The Winner receives $1000 and the four shortlisted entries receive $100 each.

This is huge! I must say.

Entry Fee: None required


The theme for this year contest is titled "Identity"

To submit for this contest, you must be citizen or national of an African country; or one of your parents must be a national of an African country; or better still, you must be of black ethnicity or belong to a black minority population anywhere in the world.

Hence, it's strictly for black writers!

Pawners paper also accept photography and other visual arts

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must be in English.
  • Submissions must reflect the theme.
  • Only one submission per writer is allowed.
  • The submission, including the title, must be between 3000 and 5000 words.
  • The submission should be in Microsoft Word (doc, docx) and in the following format:
  • Double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calibri font, 12-point size.
  • The title of the story should appear at the top of the first page followed by the word count. No further information is required.
  • Every page must be numbered.
  • The author’s name or detail must not be included anywhere on the document to be uploaded. The document must contain only the title, word count, and story. All entries are judged anonymously.
  • Submission is accepted only via email. Entries should be sent to submissions@afritondo.com.
  • The subject of the email should read: Submission for Afritondo Short Story Prize 2021.
  • The filename of the entry (i.e. the attached document) must be the title of the short story. In the body of the email tell us, briefly, about yourself, including such information as your legal name, country of residence, age, and contact details.
  • Entries for the writing contest must not have been previously published or shortlisted for another prize. Also, entries published or shortlisted during the judging or publishing process will be disqualified
  • Entrants agree as a condition of entry that the prize organizers may publicize the fact that a story has been entered, long listed, or shortlisted for the prize.
  • By submitting an entry, the author agrees to its inclusion in an anthology should it be selected by the judges, and to work with editors to get the story ready for publication.[continue reading...]

  • GrubStreet Writing Black Joy Contest

According to the organizers of this writing contest,

"We want to hear true stories from you about joy—specifically Black joy: moments, scenes, memories, that celebrate Black families, relationships, culture, and history. Black joy is perseverance, Black joy is healing, Black joy is laughter, and Black joy is critical to our survival. It is a reminder that our laughter, the things we love, our unapologetic joy fuels our liberation"

Winners Prizes:

The winner of the contest will receive $1000, 2nd place $750, and 3rd place $500. All three prize essays will also be published on our blog, GrubWrites

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be true stories between 500 and 1000 words. Submissions can be in any genre: prose, poetry, or cross-genre.

The contest is only open to any resident over the age of 18 in New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) and New York state. 

Deadline: 11:59PM on Sunday, December 6th, 2020.

  • GASHER First-Book Scholarship

Gasher is an online journal that accepts submissions on book reviews, chapbooks and others.

The Gasher First Book scholarship is meant to provide financial assistance worth $250 to a writer submitting their first book. 

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

Writers must not have published a full-length collection at the time of submission, including self-published books. (chapbooks are okay.)

The writer must reside in the United States at the time of submission.

Please submit your first-book manuscript (must be at least 48pgs in length, committed of identifying material) with a cover letter and bio. 

This is a blind reading. Please DO NOT include any identifying material on your manuscript, including an acknowledgments page. Those who do not remove this information from their submission will be disqualified. 

Any genre is welcomed to apply! 

Deadline: November 30, 2020

  • Better Than Starbucks Sonnet Contest 2020

Better than Starbucks is an international contest for poets.
Applicants must have Paypal accounts as payments shall be done via PayPal and no age limit has been set as criteria for participating.

Entry Fee: None required

Winners Prizes

First Place $350.

Second Place $100.

Third Place $50.

They will also publish up to seven honorable mention sonnets.

Submission Guidelines

Simultaneous submissions are not acceptable.
This contest is for a metrical sonnet.
Your sonnet can be Shakespearean, Petrarchan, Spenserian, rhymed, or slant-rhymed.
Blank verse is fine, as long as the sonnet form is clearly identifiable.
They will consider tetrameter, hexameter, etc. as well as pentameter.
Some metrical variation is fine, but don’t forget the volta!

As always, they do accept previously published work. Please inform them of the publication details.
If previously published, make sure you have the rights to it.
Most publications do not keep the rights to poetry.
The organizers of this award retain the right to use your submitted sonnets in anthologies or promotional material as they see fit in the future, but they do not retain any copyright to your work.

Submit up to two sonnets.
Please include your entry in the body of your email, put “Sonnet Contest” into the subject line of your email, and send to betterthanstarbucks2@gmail.com

Any possible loss of formatting in email transmission will be corrected if your sonnet is chosen as a winner or for publication, as you will be asked to proof before publication, but you are welcome to mention special formatting in your submission.
Please include a third-person bio of 30 (max 40) words.

An introduction is welcome but not required.[continue reading]

  • One Teen Story contest 2020

One Teen Story is now receiving entries for her contest and is purposely organized of teen between the age of 15 to 19. 

One Teen Story is a literary magazine run by One Story. They publish three issues yearly, publishing each story singularly. One Story recently received a 2020 Whiting Literary Magazine Prize

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

Interested teen writers are to submit a story that is between 2000 and 4500 words.

The main characters in the story to be submitted must be teens.

The story must be written in English.
Stories that have been previously published or stories that are forthcoming at other publications are not eligible.

Note that: Proof of age must be provided by all winners.

Deadline: November 20, 2020.

Three winners will be selected. Each winner will receive $500.
Each winner will also receive 25 contributor copies.

  • V International Playwriting Contest

The V International Playwriting Contest is a writing contest which aims at encouraging writers in the creation of bold and powerful plays for young people. According to press release, the spirit of this competition is in the participation of playwrights in terms of equality, regardless of nationality, age, gender or language.

Prize: $10,000

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

The participation of an underage writer must be authorized by the legal guardian.
The competition is restricted to plays for young audiences.
a)The organizers do not accept plays for children or adult audiences,
b) they do not accept musicals.
Writers are asked to submit a play for either:
a) Category A. The play must cater for a performance time of no less than 60 min. and no more than two hours.
b) Category B. The play must cater for a performance time of no less than 30 min and no more than one hour.
The play can be written in any official language of the world.
The play must be a new and original piece of work. The play must not have been published in any form or awarded previously.
a) The copyright of the play must be owned and/or controlled by the entrant to the full extent necessary to enable Editorial DALYA to use the work as contemplated by these contest rules.
b) Performed plays can be submitted.
There is no fee to enter and no hidden costs for the entrants.
Plays co-authored by more than one writer is unacceptable. Either a single writer or a group of writers in a collective work[continue reading...]

  • Service Scape Short Story Award 2020

ServiceScape is now receiving entries from all short story writers for its 2020 award. Actually, no theme is specified for this year’s submission as writers are allowed to explore. 

Prize: The wiinner of the contest will be awarded a cash prize of $1000.

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

For this award, any genre or theme of short story is accepted. 

All applicants should submit their original unpublished work of short fiction or nonfiction, 5,000 words or fewer, to be considered.

Contest participants will be judged on their quality of writing. All decisions are final. Non-winning entries will be discarded after the winner has been chosen and the contest participants will retain all the rights to their submitted work.

The potential winner will be notified via email in December 2020.

The potential winner must send a headshot photograph within 10 days of the prize notification. The potential winner must also sign and return an affidavit of eligibility, a liability release, and a publicity release (where legal) within 10 days of the prize notification.

If the potential winner does not deliver these required items within the specified time period or if the potential winner cannot be contacted for any reason, the prize will be forfeited and an alternate potential winner will be selected. If all required items are delivered within 10 days of the prize notification, the potential winner will be considered the winner of the contest.

The winner of the contest will be awarded $1,000.00 USD, payable by check and mailed within 4 weeks. The prize is non-transferable. All federal, state, and local taxes imposed on the acceptance of a prize are solely the responsibility of the winner. The winner’s name, headshot photograph, and writing will be featured within the ServiceScape blog soon thereafter.

ServiceScape Incorporated reserves the right to modify or terminate this contest at any time without prior notice.

Deadline: 30th November, 2020

Submit Here

  • The Desmond Elliott Prize 2021
The Desmond Elliott Prize is an annual award named after the literary agent and publisher, Desmond Elliott, in memory of his passion for discovering and nurturing emerging authors.

Prize: £10,000

Entry Fee: None required

Submission Guidelines

Entries must be a debut full-length novel written in English.

The Prize is open to full-length literary fiction novels written for adults.
By an author whose permanent place of residence is in the UK or Ireland
Published in print form in the UK / Ireland between 1 April 2020 and March 2021.
Shortlisted authors must be available to attend the prize ceremony in July 2021.
Authors must be living at the time of submission.
The organizers of the Desmond Elliott Prize prefer to receive submitted books as .epub or .mobi files. If this isn’t possible, five hard copies must be received at National Centre for Writing, Dragon Hall, 115 – 123 King St, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1QE before the deadline.
Submissions must be from the publisher

 After submitting the online entry form, please email your .epub or .mobi files to awards@nationalcentreforwriting.org.uk or post to If this isn’t possible, five hard copies must be received at the address below before the deadline.

National Centre for Writing,
Dragon Hall,
115 – 123 King St,
Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1QE

  • Festival Poetry Calabar, 2020

To be a part of this, register here

As a part of the events to usher in the 2020 edition of Festival Poetry Calabar, there will be a virtual poetry slam to hold on Instagram. One-minute video in pidgin or English to win N30,000 in each category (For details, see flyer)
Festival Poetry Calabar will be held virtually and physically. The ever-lively local organizing team is promising to up their game. The regular Walk for Poetry will feature to make a case against depression. There will also be room for performances of poetry and lots of interesting items on the agenda.
Entry Fee: None required
Prize: N30,000 naira
Deadline:16-19th December

  • Ansfield Wolf Field Award

Submissions Guidelines

The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognizes outstanding works that contribute to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of cultural diversity.

Awards are given for fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Submissions of books published in 2020 are now open. For books published this year, the submission period begins September 1 and The winners are announced in the spring.
To submit a book for consideration, send five copies with a completed copy of the Entry Form to:

Karen R. Long
c/o Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
The Cleveland Foundation
1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.685.2018
Email: Submit@Anisfield-Wolf.org

Upon receipt, the books will be forwarded to the jury. All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned. No electronic submissions of an author’s work of any kind are accepted.


Books must be written in English and published and copyrighted in 2020 to be eligible for the 2021 prize.
Awards are given in fiction, poetry and nonfiction.
All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned.
The deadline for submission is December 31. Entries arriving after the deadline must be postmarked by December 31 to be eligible.
Confirmation of delivery receipt is not provided.
The following are NOT eligible for consideration:
Works in progress
Electronically published or e-books
Self-published works
Deadline: December 31, 2020.
Check here for more detailsk

W.Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction

The W.Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction is an annual award organized to honor the best fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. It recognizes the service of American veterans and military personnel and encourages the writing and publishing of outstanding war-related fiction. Donated by William Young Boyd II.

An annual award consisting of $5,000 and a 24k gold-framed citation of achievement
Administered by:
American Library Association logo
Award and Frequency

Novel must have been published during the year prior to the award.
Incidents of war can constitute the main plot of the story or merely provide the setting.
Young adult and adult novels only.

Submission Guidelines

Complete the online application and send seven (7) copies of the book to

ALA Awards Program
Governance Office
225 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60601

Contact Information
Cheryl Malden (Staff Liaison, July 1, 2015, to July 1, 2023) - cmalden@ala.org
Work Phone: (312) 280-3247
Fax: 312 944-3897
American Library Association
225 N Michigan Ave Ste 1300
Chicago, IL 60601-7616
Displaying active committee roster as of 11/19/2020. Last retrieved on 11/19/2020. Members can log in to view full contact information for committee members.

Selection Criteria
Excellence of writing
Attention to detail
Ability to hold the reader's interest

Complete the online application here

Deadline: December 1, 2020

  • The Wallace Stegner Prize in Environmental Humanities

*This prize is currently suspended.*

$5,000 Biennial Book Publication Prize, Presented by the University of Utah Press

The Wallace Stegner Prize will be awarded to the best monograph submitted to the Press in the broad field of environmental humanities. To compete for this award, manuscripts must emphasize interdisciplinary investigations of the natural and human environments and their fundamental interconnectedness, research in primary and secondary sources, and high quality writing in the tradition of Wallace Stegner. Preference will be given to projects that discuss issues related to the American West. We welcome book-length manuscripts that emphasize narrative form and draw on the humanities, as well as the particular methods and perspectives of history, geography, natural history, environmental science, creative nonfiction, or related disciplines to consider environmental subjects, broadly defined. These criteria reflect the legacy of Wallace Stegner as a student of the American West, as a spokesman for the environment, and as a teacher of creative writing. The winner of the Wallace Stegner Prize will receive a $5,000 award and a publication contract with the University of Utah Press.

Submission deadlines are in odd numbered years[continue reading...]

  • The VCU Cabell First Novelist Award

The VCU Cabell First Novelist Award honors an outstanding debut novel published in the preceding calendar year. Symbolized by a three-dimensional compass, the award is a tribute to writers who have navigated their way through the maze of imagination and delivered a great read, taking the reader someplace new [continue reading...]

  • 2020 Call For Submission Of Chapbook PiN Series

The  writing contest is an annual contest for writers who wishes to be published. They are hereby invited to submit a collection of poem.
Deadline is December 2020

  • New York Encounter Poetry Contest

This writig contest is organized by the new York Encounter and the cash prize for the contest is $500 coupled with publication.
To Enter for the contest, click here

  • Eriata Oribhabor Poetry Prize 

This writing contest is organized by the founder of PIN, a poetry organization in Nigeria which aims at promoting poetry and literariness in Nigeria. The winner of the contest wins N100,000 Cash Prize

  • The Dread Machine Anthology

The organizers calls on writers to submit for it's 2020 anthology and have a chance win a cash prize of $800,publication inclusive. The deadline is very close!

  • EPOCH Magazine Calls For Submission

Th winner of the contest gets a chance to win a cash prize of $50 and many more.

Writing Contests In November / December 2020



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,190,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: 20+ Free To Enter Writing Contest in November & December 2022– Pawners Paper
20+ Free To Enter Writing Contest in November & December 2022– Pawners Paper
to ease your stress and make your pen work it's magic, we've decided to compile a list of 30+ writing contest to enter in November and December 2020
Pawners Paper
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