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Poetry Competitions In Africa 2022— Pawners Paper

Poetry Competitions in Africa 2022 is a compiled list of poetry contests(other writing contests inclusive) that are available for writers to enter

Poetry Competitions In Africa 2022

As a writer, there's always a need to explore various entries and opportunities. This could actually help in advancing your career as a writer. so, to ensure you ensure African writers get the relevant poetry competitions at their disposals, we have decided to compile a list of poetry competitions in Africa 2022.

these compiled poetry competitions are exclusively for African writers. To check opportunities in respect of other regions or continent, check  below for the list.

We announced last year that we were going to give updates on new poetry competitions that are and will be available for Africans in 2022.  This is us making what a reality. The compiled list will be arranged based on the month of deadline. thus, with such categorization, it'll be quite easy to access and avert your mind to the deadline of the poetry competitions in Africa 2022.

also, the list will comprise not only poetry but also other writing competitions in Africa 2022. this includes flash fiction contest, fiction contest, manuscript submission contest among many others.

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (January)

  • The New Beginning Poetry Competition 2022

Enter the new beginning poetry competition 2022 judged by Anthony Anaxagorou.

To celebrate the launch of our brand-new six-week online Writing Poetry course, led by renowned poet Anthony Anaxagorou, we’re thrilled to open the New Beginnings Poetry Competition for submissions.

We’re inviting you to try your hand at poetry, whether this is a new form for you or you’re already a constant notebook lyricist. If you’re interested in learning more about poetry we want to hear from you!

Prizes For The New Beginning Poetry Competition 2022

£500, a free place on our six-week online Writing Poetry course and publication of your poem on our blog.

A free place on our six-week online Writing Poetry course and publication of your poem on our blog.

  • Submit To The Stacy Doris Memorial Poetry Award 2022

The Stacy Doris Memorial Poetry Award 2022 is now announced open for poets to submit their works. The poetry competition (The Stacy Dories Memorial Poetry Award 2022) is organized by the Fourteen Hills Literary Magazine.

Prize For The Stacy Doris Memorial Poetry Award 2022

The winning poet will receive $500 and publication in the Spring 2022 issue of Fourteen Hills. 

  • Submit To Luminescent Machinations: Queer Tales of Monumental Invention

Neon Hemlock Press is now open to submissions of short stories for Luminescent Machinations: Queer Tales of Monumental Invention. 

The anthology, co-edited by Rhiannon Rasmussen and dave ring, will include queer stories of dark speculative fiction across genres featuring mechas and mechs of all stripes.

We running a Kickstarter to fund this project.  The compensation level for original stories accepted to this anthology is $0.08/word. 

You can submit stories on Submittable until January 31st, 2022. 

  • The Prism Prize for Climate Literature: $1000 and Publication

The Prism Prize for Climate Literature is open for submissions until January 8th, 2022.

Prism prize for climate literature is josted by Homebound Publications, which seeks to promote and support fiction, literary nonfiction, and poetry in the genre of climate literature.

The contest is sponsored by The Wayfarer’s environmental editor Gail Collins Ranadive.

The total value of the prize is $1,000.

According to the contest page:

Our climate crisis is as multifaceted as a beam current sunlight passed through a prism: each refracted color reflects another dimension to be creatively examined: science, weather, politics, psychology, sociology, eco-justice, biodiversity, agriculture, ocean acidification, economics, ecology, environmentalism, energy, extinction events, spirituality, ethics, morality, infrastructure, sustainability, activism, solutions…

Potential climate writers need not be intimidated by a perceived need for extensive research. Just start where you stand, and write out of your experience and expertis

  • Submit To Lilith Magazine Annual Fiction Competition 2022

The competition is open to all writers. Also, interested applicants are required to read through and  follow the guidelines before attempting submissions.

Deadline extended to January 15, 2022

Calling all gifted fiction writers! Lilith Magazine—Independent, Jewish & frankly feminist—seeks quality short fiction full of heart, soul and chutzpah, 3,000 words or under, for our Annual Fiction Contest. 

First prize is $250 and publication. We especially like work with both feminist and Jewish content, and are eager to read submissions from writers of color and emerging writers of any age


Our landscape has exploded with presses and magazines over the last few decades with the advent of digital publications—so many good poems have been found and celebrated, but others have been forgotten or overlooked. We want to bring light to those lost pieces of poetry—the poems that you love but feel are no longer receiving the attention or recognition they deserve. 1st Place will be awarded $3000 and publication of the winning poem and a brief interview in Palette Poetry; second and third place will receive $300 & $200 respectively, as well as publication. 

Deadline: January 16, 2022

  • Tall Tales Short Stories Competition 

Tall Tales Short Stories Competition is a literary competition for kids. It is exclusively open to children under the age of 13. To submit for the contest, read through and follow the guidelines below.

We are asking you to write a short story of no more than 500 words based on a mythical character of your choice. Whether it’s a shy dragon or a surfing mermaid, a silly werewolf or a scary fairy, we want to read your story. If you’re feeling really creative, send us a picture of your character to bring your story to life.


A first prize winner from each category will receive £200 and four additional prizes of £100 will be awarded to runners-up in both age categories. Prize winners and runners-up will have their story published, with all royalties on the sale of the book (estimated between 20-34% of the sale price) donated to Make-A-Wish International.

  • Tampa Review Prize For Poetry 2022

Book Publication  •  $2,000 Award
Selected Poems published in Tampa Review

Deadline: January 31

  • The Isele Magazine Submissions Prize 2022
Isele Magazine Submissions Prizes celebrates the best of short stories, poetry, and essays by writers published in Isele Magazine. 

The prizes are split into three categories – short stories, poetry, and essays, and each category is judged by a panel of two judges. The longlists of ten stories, ten suites of poems or single poems, and eight essays will be announced in February, while the shortlists of five works per category will be revealed at the end of March. The winners will receive $200 each, presented to them at a ceremony at the end of April

Deadline: January 31

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (February)

  • Association Of Writers And Writing Programs 2022 Award Series
The Association of Writers and Writing Program 2022 Award Series has been announced open for writers to submit their best manuscripts in different genres and contest for cash prizes and amazing opportunity of publication.

Association of Writers and Writing Program 2022

About the Association of Writers and Writing Program 2022 Award Series
AWP’s Award Series is an annual competition for the publication of excellent new book-length works. The competition is open to all authors writing in English regardless of nationality or residence, and it is open to published and unpublished authors alike. 

The 2022 Award Series conducts an evaluation process of writers for writers by writers. AWP hires a staff of screeners who are themselves writers; the screeners review manuscripts for the judges. Typically, the screeners will select ten manuscripts in each genre for each judge’s final evaluations

Deadline:  February 28, 2022. 

  • List Of Palette Poetry Prize & Competitions 2022

Palette Poetry is one of the most prestigious poetry magazines that pay poets for submitted and accepted entries. Palette poetry is also reputed for its immense contribution to the poetry community through publication of poems and due payment.

For easy access, we have compiled the list of palette poetry competitions 2022 that are available for the year 2022. Although, some of the palette poetry competitions are not currently open, but then, you can easily mark the dates on your calendar for reminder.

It is advised that before any palette poetry submission, you are required to read the guidelines and the rules. Failure to adhere to palette poetry submission rules could end in rejection of the submitted poem(s)

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (March)


The Pin annually organized Nigeria literary prize; "Nigerian Students Poetry Prize" has been announced open for submission. Every interested poet is required to read through the submission guidelines before proceeding.

About The PIN's Nigerian Students Poetry Prize 2022

Nigerian Students Poetry Prize (NSPP) is an initiative of Poets in Nigeria (PIN) aimed at stimulating literary creativity and encouraging critical thinking among Nigerian undergraduates. Since its inception in 2016 at the University of Ibadan, the prize has received about 3500 entries from students representing over 100 tertiary institutions (including universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, schools of nursing and seminary schools).

deadline: 7 March, 2022

  • Caterpillar Poetry Prize 2022

Caterpillar Poetry Prize 2022 is a literary competition organized for writers to contest for a huge cash prize.

The contest is organized by The Caterpillar, a quarterly print magazine for children featuring poetry, short stories and art.

The prize is for an unpublished poem written by an adult for children aged 7–11.

The poem can be on any subject. There is a line limit of 150.  Entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and must never have been published, self-published, published online or broadcast.

Prize: $1,000

31 March 2022

  • Foley Poetry Contest 2022

The Foley Poetry Contest: America Media is sponsor of the annual Foley Poetry Award, given in honor of William T. Foley, M.D. Each entrant is asked to submit one poem of 45 lines or fewer for consideration. Only unpublished poems not under consideration elsewhere will be considered. Poems may address any topic. 

Submissions must be received between midnight ET on January 1 and 11:59 p.m. ET on March 31, 2022. 

The winning poem will be announced in early June and published in the print edition of America. The cash prize is $1,000.

Deadline: March 31, 2022. 

  •  poetry competitions in Africa 2022(April)

  • The Alpine Fellowship Poetry Prize 2022

Application for the alphine Fellowship Poetry Prize 2022 is announced open. To apply, follow the guidelines below. Awarded for the best poetry on the theme of the Alpine Fellowship 2022 - Freedom.

 The winner will receive a £3,000 cash prize and will be invited to our symposium. 

Runners up will be invited to attend the symposium and travel expenses will be reimbursed up to a total of £500. All food and accommodation will be covered. 

Deadline:  1st April 2022

  • Breakbread Project's Villena-Aldama Contest 2022 
A generous gift from the Villena-Aldama Foundation provides BreakBread Magazine with the opportunity to present the first Villena-Aldama Art & Writing Contest. 

The contest offers a $250 prize to winners in each genre the magazine publishes: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art/hybrid forms. Winners will be announced in June 2022 with their work featured in the Spring 2023 of the magazine.

Deadline: Ends on April 1, 2022

  • The Nigeria Prize For Literature 2022/ The Nigeria Prize For Literary Criticism 2022.

The Nigeria Prize For Literature 2022 is announced open for submission. Interested writers are required to submit their best works before the deadline, which is April 8, 2022.

 Noteworthy, this year's literary prize is open to two categories, namely:

  • Literary Criticism
  • Poetry.
The Nigeria Prize For Literature 2022 is endowned by the Nigeria LNG Limited to honour the author of the Nigeria books within the last four years.

Normally, the prize rotates yearly and for 2022, the chosen category is poetry.

Prize: $10,000

Deadline: April 8, 2022.

Enter for free to win prizes up to N500,000.00

To celebrate and honour the poetic life of Late Vweta Chadwick, Project ASHA calls for female poets to enter the  Vweta Chadwick Poetry Prize in honour of Vweta Chadwick, themed - INVISIBLE DISABILITY. 

Deadline: 16 April, 2022.

  • Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition

The Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition provides an annual opportunity for two high school students to read their original work with an established poet in the Joaquin Miller Poetry Series (June and July). 

The winners are selected by an independent judge. The Word Works expects young poets to be accompanied by an adult family member.

Deadline: April 30

  •  poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (May)

  • Lengthy Poem Contest 2022

engthy Poem Contest is announced open for Submission. The winner of the contest will be awarded a cash prize of 300 U.S. dollars.

Three finalists will be published on Defenestrationism.net in April, followed by several days of Fan Voting. The Winner will be announced on May Day

  • Bridport Prize 2022 (Poetry)

Bridport Prize 2022 for poetry category is announced open for submissions. Interested writers are invited to submit their entries while following the outline submission guidelines.

Deadline: May 31

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (June)
  • Poetry London Prize 2022
Poetry London Prize 2022

Entries to the Poetry London Prize 2022 are now open. Winners will be notified by the end of September. Entries must not have been previously published or self-published, in print or online, or have won a prize in another competition. The maximum length is 80 lines, not including titles or blank lines. 

Deadline: The closing date is 23:59 on June 30, 2022

  • Montreal International Poetry Prize 2022

Montreal International Poetry Prize 2022 is announced open for submissions. Writers who have interest in contesting for a cash prize and a feature in a published magazine are advised to join and submit their works before the expiration of the deadline.

The Montreal Prize awards one prize of $20,000 CAD to a poet for a single poem of 40 or fewer lines. A jury of internationally reputed poets and critics selects a shortlist of approximately 60 poems, from which a judge chooses one winner. The shortlist is published in The Montreal Poetry Prize Anthology.

  • SpringNG Annual Poetry Contest

Win N15,000 Cash and N10,000 Gift-Card to shop at Roving Heights for the SprinNG Annual Poetry Contest.(Only one winner will be selected)


Contest opens on March 1 and ends on June 30. Winner will be announced on August 1.


Only Nigerian writers living in Nigeria are eligible for this contest. Only one submission per person is allowed.

Contest Prompt:

Write a simple poem on any theme of your choice between 8-10 lines. Line count doesn't include the poem's title.

  • Wells Festival Of Literature Open Poetry Competition

This year we welcome Tristram Fane Saunders to our 30th Anniversary Festival as judge in the Open Poetry Competition.

Tristram Fane Saunders is a journalist and commissioning editor at the Telegraph.  As their poetry critic he also runs ‘Poem of the Week’.

His own poems appear in Carcanet’s New Poetries VIII: An Anthology.  His current pamphlet is Woodsong and The Rake is forthcoming in May 2022. He has recently edited Edna St Vincent Millay: Poems and Satires.

We are delighted to announce that the 1st prize in our Open Poetry Competition will again this year be £1000! Second and third prizes will also remain at £500 and £250 respectively. Plus £100 for a local poet.

Our International Competitions will open on 1 April 2022, closing at midnight on 30 June 2022

  • Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Contest 2022

Blue Mountain Arts Poetry announced its fortieth biannual poetry competition. Follow the submission guidelines below to learn how to submit to them.

Deadline: June 30, 2022


1st prize: $350 

 2nd prize: $200 

3rd prize: $100

In addition, the winning poems will be displayed on our website.

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (July)

  • Rattle Poetry Prize 2022
The Rattle Poetry Prize 2022 is announced open for submissions. Interested writers are to submit their best poems, not more than 40 lines to contest for an amazing cash prize. To submit for the Rattle Poetry Prize 2022, follow the prescribed guidelines for submissions below.

One $15,000 Winner and ten $500 Finalists will be selected in a blind review by the editors of Rattle and printed in the Winter 2022 issue;  one $5,000 Readers’ Choice Award will then be chosen from among the Finalists by subscriber and entrant vote.

Deadline: July 15th

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (August)

  • Eriata Oribhabor Poetry Prize 2022
In collaboration with Something for Everybody Ventures (SFEV), Words Rhymes & Rhythm and Authorpedia Publishers cordially invite Nigerian poets and lovers of literature residing anywhere in the world to submit poems for the 10th annual Eriata Oribhabor Poetry Prize, EOPP 2022.

This year’s EOPP is looking for well-written poems that explore the subthemes of Unity, Truth, Justice, and Change within society, with a focus on Nigeria and its people, cultures, experiences, hopes, and aspirations.


Nigerians residents in any part of the world are eligible.

Prizes For The Eriata Oribhabor Poetry Prize 2022

First Prize – ₦50,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor

First Runner-up –  ₦30,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor

Second Runner-up  – ₦20,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor


Submissions open until 11:59 PM SUNDAY 7th AUGUST, 2022

  • Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2022
The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2022 has been announced open to writers to submit their best works. For the Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2022, they are looking for the best new writing talent. 

The £5,000 international literary prize is open to poetry and short fiction submissions on any theme, celebrating innovation in content, form and technique

Deadline: August 21

  • Oxford Brooke's University's International Poetry Competition 2022

The Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre is launching its 2022 International Poetry Competition to celebrate the power of poetry across the world!

The competition is open to both new and established poets aged 18 and over from across the globe and has two categories:

Open category (open to all poets aged 18 years and over)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) category (open to all poets aged 18 and over who write in English as an Additional Language.

The winners of each category will receive £1000 and both runners up £200.

The competition deadline is 11pm BST on Monday 31 August 2022.

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (September)

  • The Face Project
28 paintings, 28 stories, 28 weeks, 1 publication

Calling all aspiring and established writers and poets! 

Would you like to be featured in a unique art and literature publication?

Read on to learn how you can be a part of this exciting project

More On The Face Project Competition

how is The Face Project going to work?
Over the next 28 weeks, one oil portrait will be posted every week. 

Out of the stories and poems received, one entry will be chosen to pair with each painting. 

The final selection of 28 entries will be announced here, within fifteen days of the final posting. 

These works will then be published along with the paintings in a stunning one-of-a-kind worldwide publication.

Deadline: September 4

  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (October)
  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (November)
  • poetry competitions in Africa 2022 (December)

Poetry Competitions In Africa 2021 And Other Writing Contests

Poetry Competitions in Africa 2021

NOTE: The list for the poetry competitions in 2022 that are available for writers will be updated very soon.

Poetry Competitions in Africa 2021 is a compiled list of poetry contests (other writing competitions in Africa 2021 inclusive) that are available for writers to enter. These are opportunities gathered from many sources online with the prime motive in helping writers give their best shots while entering these contests.

As mentioned earlier, in addition to the Poetry Competitions in Africa 2021 list,  other writing contests in Africa that are ongoing are also provided. Some of them are, short story contests, essay contest and many others. To get more detailed information about this, you can check our homepage.

Worthy of mention, check out some tips on how to submit to poetry contest and magazines. It contains to do's and not to do's. It will definitely make the submission of your entries to the various contests much more easier and prolly interesting enough.

What to look out for in the Poetry Competitions in Africa 20212?

  • Up to date poetry and other writing contests
  • Almost all contest are free to enter. That is, no submission fee.
  • Links are provided for more details for the verification of the contest and Competitions.
  • Join WhatsApp group for more contest updates.
  • It goes beyond only African poetry Competitions 2022. Other international literary contests with no restrictions are also provided. 
  • Most of the contests have added benefit such as publication.

List Of  African Poetry Competitions 2021



The Peter Porter Poetry Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes for a new poem.  The poetry competition is organized by the Australian Book Review. It was named after, Peter Porter, one of the most recognized poets that emerges from Australia.
There's no restriction as to geographical location nor, is there any for age. 

Guidelines & Requirements: The poem must not be more than 70 lines.

The poem must be in English language. It can also be on any theme 

Poems must not have been previously published.

Entries must be submitted online via the Australian Book Review website.

Entry Fee: $25

Prize: Worth $10,000

Deadline: October 4, 2021.

Other Writing Competitions in Africa 2021

Writers' entries are now being accepted for the Val Wood Prize for Creative Writing 2021: Now & Then. The theme for the competition has been chosen to mark the end of lockdown and reflect times of positive change. 

In addition to the Val Wood Prize 2021, the Yorkshire Prize 2021 is also going to held.

 The contest is organized annually, with the organizers and the judges receiving overwhelming amounts of submission from writers.

However, according to the organizers, they've decided to celebrate local talents. Thus, the reason for splitting the competition into two in order to allow entries to the category of choice.

 Guidelines & Requirements:
There is no required theme.

Poetry will not be considered for the prizes.

The competition is only open to writers who are above 16 years of age.

Entry Fee: Free.

Prize: £100.and publication.

Deadline: August 28, 2021.

October 2021 

The Writer 2021 Short Story Contest | 100 Word Contest

The writer has announced the submission for its Short Story Contest open for writers. Writers are to read the submission guidelines and follow it strictly to avoid disqualification.

The submission guidelines for the writer short story contest is prescribed in PDF format. Interested writers can download the guidelines on the website.

A link for the download is under the post

Deadline: October 5, 2021

November 2021 

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2022

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is one of the most anticipated literary contests in the Commonwealth countries, most especially in Africa. The literary contest has been reputed for its contribution to support writers' works and the ability to give wide publicity based on its large audience.

Surprisingly, the literary contest has been ongoing for ten years now.

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2022 is now announced open for writers to submit their best work inorder to contest for a cash prize worth more than $5,000.

Deadline : November 1, 2021.



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,190,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: Poetry Competitions In Africa 2022— Pawners Paper
Poetry Competitions In Africa 2022— Pawners Paper
Poetry Competitions in Africa 2022 is a compiled list of poetry contests(other writing contests inclusive) that are available for writers to enter
Pawners Paper
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