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How To Get More Followers On Instagram Art Account

Learn how to use Instagram art account, how to sell your art on Instagram and get more followers on Instagram art account with instagram hashtags.

How To Get More Followers On Instagram Art Account

Instagram art

Getting a grip on your Instagram art account— Social media, Instagram inclusive, has proven to be an indispensable community—a great and far-reaching tool to get connected to far places, have a plain visual pleasures and experiences of far-distances just by surfing through our social media pages. Essentially, it is an effective tool for those who plan to showcase their products and intense creativity (Instagram art and artist, writers, content creators etc.) wth easy navigating features that ensure much faster reach to target audience and prospective buyers.

Instagram in particular, being a photograph and video-centric social media platform has with its overwhelming visual experiences become a great place and space for talented artists to sell their art and get more art visibility and engagements. Over the years, Instagram art and artists have been able to change the old traditional outlook at which marketers view the social media platform.

Interestingly, what differentiate Instagram from other social media platforms is the limited usage of words as against the wide space for the visual category. Although, words are quite effective in giving a better description of an art; the meaning, the inspiration behind it and all. Nowadays, there seems to be a sudden deviation. Evidently, other social media platforms like YouTube, tik-tok etc. are undeniable evidence that people show much preference to visuals than lengthy difficult verbiage. Aside that, not all artist get the urge to give their works the perfect verbal explanations.

While all these hit their point, Instagram however, is no panacea. But when effectively used, it can solve the three problems of every new and growing Instagram artist: followers, sales and visibility. If you fall into any of these categories, you can grab a cup of coffee, get seated as we go through every necessary phases of this instagram art focused article which comprises information on how to create Instagram art account and maximize Instagram art sales, Instagram art hashtags to use, how to produce rich content and get more followers on Instagram art account, visibility and engagements; and what can guarantee you success in your Instagram art endeavour among many others.

Why You Should Sell Your Art On Instagram

Instagram can serve many purposes, even those overlooked. It is a cyber world filled thousands of opportunities and all you need is to know how to utilize the opportunities for your art Instagram. Some of the reasons why you should use Instagram to sell your art are spared below.

  • Online Presence

It's no longer news that the world is growing and gearing more and more towards digital. And as a result, it becomes essential for everyone to have an online presence, especially for businesses and organizations, as an extension of their brands. With that, as an artist, audience from distanced area will get to notice the existence of your works and might as well show interests. Your audience can also transform into potential buyers and collectors. Among other things, it gives the environment for people to associate more with your art. Instagram art has all of these features.

  • More Potential Collectors

Information gathered from tons of well researched articles shows that more collectors are turning to Instagram more than ever to find new art. Instagram art eliminates all the struggles of finding artists with compelling artworks, how creative they are, keeping track of their consistency and all forms of pretence. Instagram makes it possible and simple to display your artworks on all fundamental levels and depending on how good you are with your story or narratives, you sure can get more productive engagements.
  • Simplicity, Visibility and Feedbacks.

Instagram makes it easy to communicate with audience and other Instagram artists and give them a clue about what you're up to as an artist. It provide enough coverage about your lifestyle through the use of content creating features like short videos, Reels, IGtv channels among many others. And all of these can be done on your phone.

The visibility is also not out of place and this becomes more productive when you get feedbacks in the form of likes, comments, mentions, shares and tags on your shared Instagram art posts.

  • Connections

Instagram is a large space to get more opportunities and connection in your art career. With Instagram art being utiliRd by artists, there's a great possibility of being called upon for commission, invitations to participate in shows and art exhibition, feature in magazines and websites, offer their works for commercial purposes among many others.

How To Guarantee Your Instagram Art Success As An Instagram Artist/ How To Get More Followers On Instagram Art Account

There are quite a few process to follow in order to guarantee success in your Instagram art endeavour and get more followers on Instagram art account. And they are listed in the following orderly manner.

  •  Get Your Instagram Art Account and Profile Ready.

The first thing that often gives clue about your art when a potential follower, buyer or collector jumps on your Instagram art account is your profile. So, ensure your name, image, bio, website link are already in place.

Going with the username, it is advisable to add an art related keyword such as "artist" "art" "pencil drawing" to your desired name, preferably your name. This works well when someone searches for such keywords. Also, in your bio, make sure that there is an included link that can direct people to your website or public profile page. And make the bio on your Instagram art account enticing, short and apt.

  • Connect with the right people.

Instagram gives notification of suggested users to follow. And according to social media maven CoSchedule, this is one of the best ways to increase your Instagram (art) followers. To get this done, click on "Discover People" and you can easily follow other users by clicking on the follow button.You can also search for art related keywords and follow the accounts that fit into the categories. There are chances that you'll get more followers by following people that work in your niche, that is, other Instagram artists.

You can also add people up from your contact list and follow their accounts.

  • Be Creative With Your Content

There's always the rule that people will go for quality over quantity, especially on social media. People are often on the lookout for something different, creative, attractive and worthy of their time. Don't just post to make your Instagram art account filled up.

"Let your authenticity reflects in your art."

If you're out of ideas of what to create or post. You can get more hints and many creative ideas by having a glimpse of what other instagram artists are doing. Also, to get followers and fans on their toes and keep the suspense rolling, before sharing your artworks, you can share a little part of a work and add caption "work in progress" or anything that can keep them curious enough to want to see the outcome of your work.

It doesn't always have to be about art work content. You can share interesting stories about your adventures, create short insta videos and stories, and your drive and inspiration. Social media followers always want to know more. Most people are fascinated about how creative, inventive artists are and how they are able to cope with their daily lives.

  •   Make It Social

It's a thing to have an Instagram art account, and it's another thing to be active and social. Communicate with art related Instagram account often by liking, comment and messaging them when necessary. This guarantee close connections with other Instagram users and more fans gain. For those who comment on your posts, always ensure you reply them back within a reasonable time. Don't keep.them waiting for too long. Also, if you have other Instagram artist that are doing great on the social media platform, you can reach out to them.

Always include their usernames when replying to others post. This gives them notification that someone has mentioned them in a comment and wont let your comment be an oversight.

  • Consistency

Posting regularly and being consistent with it has always been the magic that keeps your Instagram art account followers notified and helps new followers flocking your account. A report by CoSchedule showed that posting at least one to two images a day is a sweet spot for Instagram. You can create a a daily instagram art posting schedule to keep tab of what you want to post. The best time to also post on Instagram art account are 2:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

While it is advisable to post regularly, posting too much is also not good. It might bore your followers. always have it in mind that keeping your Instagram art followers and other potential buyers' interest and attention should always be the goal.

  • Instagram Art Hashtags and Research

Instagram art accounts work better and see result much faster  with art hashtags. And having your way around them is a sure way to get more connected to other Instagram users. Instagram Hashtags are carefully selected keywords, such as "#art" that pops up when someone searches for anything related to it. If added in an Instagram art post, it brings up the whole post in the search. With one hashtags, there is tendency that a collector might come across your post and order some of your pieces.

How should you use Instagram Art Hashtags?

Before attempting to use Instagram art hashtags, it is better to research on it and find out how much responsive it'll be. To do this, you can jump on few Instagram art accounts and check the hashtags they are using and how productive it is.

Don't crowd your caption with hashtags. It's better to sometimes separate the caption from the hashtags. You can start by adding the caption followed by the hashtags.

How many instagram art hashtags should you use per post?

Using at least 10 hashtags with carefully selected keywords per post. However, that's just the rough rule because you can add more than that. But don't add less than the advised amount.

Some selected Instagram art hashtags you can use are provided underneath this section of the article.

  • Grow Your Brand

Aside creating an online presence, you also need to have and promote your brand in order to create some specialty and recognition that differentiate from other artists on instagram. Having a brand over times helps and results in better opportunities and revenue increase.

  • Manage Your Account Analytics

One of the Instagram features for a free business account is an insights that shows the demographic of how often your posts were viewed, liked ,commented and shared. It also gives you more clue on what is actually working for your Instagram art account. Like how effective the art hashtags are, the best days and time your posts are viewed and got more engagements.  This can help you to maximize your account and get more closer to potential buyers and collectors.

  • Advertise Your Art 

Advertisement is also a sure way to quickly covert Instagram users to potential buyers and even followers. There are hundreds of available platform that offers online advertisement that your niche can easily fit into. You can advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Google ads etc.

  • Share Your Instagram Art Account Across Other Platforms

You many never know who might be interested and how much visibility you can gain through sharing of your Instagram art account across other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook.etc. a potential collector might just be around lurking around, finding what you shared or are about to share. So, always use the share buttons when necessary.

You can create an email newsletter.

  • Be Patient.

As said earlier, this is no panacea, it will surely take time to reflect the productive changes. You have to experiment and find what actually works better for your account. Take the time, and if a particular process doesn't work, test new ways and approaches of posting on Instagram. 

  • Be Honest and Genuine

Give your followers what they want but be honest about it. Being open is another way of curating new follows, likes and comments. Don't be secretive about how you develop your art, give them a snippet, what you went through and how you eventually came up with the art works. Keep them engaged and carried along. It often create more connections between you and your users.

  • Be Specific and Ready

Getting back to instagram while communicating with potential buyer or collectors, there's always a necessity to create impression that you are competent and ready to deliver a specific art works without any delivery difficulty or hinge. Artists who intend to sell their art on Instagram must be well prepared to sell as easy and immediately the same way they post. Necessary needs for delivery such as the payment process, the packing and shipping of the art and response to buyers within due time during the time of delivery. Having all these in place erase any uncertainty or doubt in the mind of the buyers or collectors.

Also, be specific with your price and maintain good relationship with followers and other buyers.

Things You Shouldn't Do To Sell Your Art Instagram On Instagram

Do not message people to follow you. This is actually not a good etiquette
Do not overuse hashtags. It needs to be apt.

Instagram Art Hashtags 2021 To Use For Your Instagram Art Posts.

Instagram art hashtags is one of the best ways to easily get your art out there. They match with the Instagram art trends. Below are some of the best and popular Instagram art hashtags you can use for your Instagram art account.

#art #artaccount #art_4share #artsy #artist #artwork #artsanity #artisfun #arts_help #artdiscover #artcurator #artcollector #artnerd #dailyart #art_daily #artistic #artistinthestudio #workinprogress #workinprogressart #artistoninstagram #artoninstagram #coolart #visualart #instart #sharingart #myart #myartistcommunity #masterpiece #arty #arts #artspotlight #art_spotlight #artlove #artlover #artlovers #artfollower #greatart #inspiration #art_seeking #artforbreakfast #smallartaccount #artistlife #artoftheday #createeveryday #homedecor #artsale #traditionalart #traditionalartwork #artists_rescue #arts_gallery #arts_helps #_art_help_ #art_featurez #artsamazingz #artsy_nights #art_overnight #arts_share #design #newart #newartwork #art_empire #lookforart #art_realistic #art_dailydose #artistuniversity #arts_society #art_collective #artsbeautifulx #artist_sharing #arts_mag #artsagram #artstagram #artsnewss #artist_features #artgram #arts_promote #art_pure #art_we_inspire #artistic_support #artistic_nation #worldofartists #artistry_vision #art_whisper #instart #instaart #instaartlovers #igart #arts_gate #art_starlight #artists #artcollective #artcutaway #artistinthehouse #artistintheworld #artistdrop #artmafia #artists_insta #topcreator #originalart #originalartforsale #iloveart

Top Instagram Art Account Names To Follow

  • Jens Stark 176k followers
  • En Iwamura, 74k followers
  • Andrea Soos, 85k followers
  • Julia S. Powell, 142k followers
  • Alexa Meade, 237k followers
  • Dan Lam, 344k followers

In conclusion, undeniably, instagram is one of the most efficient space for artist to monetize your talents and get recognized by the world. But as said earlier, it is no panacea. It has to be effectively used while patiently awaiting results.



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Pawners Paper: How To Get More Followers On Instagram Art Account
How To Get More Followers On Instagram Art Account
Learn how to use Instagram art account, how to sell your art on Instagram and get more followers on Instagram art account with instagram hashtags.
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